These weren't meant for you 「5」

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I was asleep when my phone got many notifications. Who is spaming me? It's way to early. I unlocked my phone. The messages were from Jas.
I immediately opened them.

@jas$ighn: can't do this anymore
@jas$ighn: I'm gonna stop school
@jas$ighn: All because of Anastasia.
@jas$ighn: Just because of her I'm now crying in the middle of a forest
@jas$ighn: I'm gonna buy a train ticket and will come to yours Megan. My parents won't even care! Then I'll explain you what happened.

What happend? She's crying! Why?

@jas$ighn: No omg I'm sorry these weren't meant for you.
@mikeybarone: what happend Jas?!
Should I pick you up?
@jas$ighn: No everything is good
@mikeybarone: It doesn't seem like that so where are you? I'll be there for you remember?
@jas$ighn: St George is too far away for you
@mikeybarone: where exactly are you?

Doesn't she see how much I care about her? She doesn't deserve that. She need someone besides her, so I'm gonna be the one.

@jas$ighn: National forest..
(I don't know if this even exist)
@mikeybarone: okay stay there I'll be there in 45 minutes.

I put some Sweatpants and a t-shirt on, got into my Gucci slides and walked to my car.
"Where are you going", Bryce asked.
"Urban forest, santa Monica", I replied in a run.
The motor started and I drove on the highway.
Why do I care so much about her? I don't even know her exactly. Maybe cause she has anyone. But that's not the only reason. I couldn't figure the other reason.

@mikeybarone: I arrived, can you come to the entry?

"I'm here",a weak voice says.
I turned quickly. She's standing about 200 meters away from me. I walked to her. Jas's eyes are swollen and red, her mascara is all over her face and her hair is messy. But her outfit looked very pretty on her. She fell in my arms. I petted her back easily.
The hug lasts forever. Her sweet smell of roses filled my body.
Jas looked straight into my eyes. It seemed like, she wanted to cry but she couldn't.
"thank you", she wispered
I took her hand and our fingers were crossed.
"let's go into the car because you're freezing", I suggested.
She nods easily, so we walked to the car.
I opened the door so she could get in. After that I walked on the other side and got also in.
"What happend?",I asked softly while holding her hand.
Her eyes looked straight through the window. She was hardly thinking.
"School is bothering me",she started saying. One of her hands were on her stomach.
"They're all so mean. I haven't done anything. Just because...",she stopped and took a deep breath.
Jas wasn't even looking at me when she has talked.
Is she embarrassesd?
"Today it's because I have a instagram account, yesterday it was because I got the best grade in the test, the day before it was because my mum dropped me in front of the school... Just because of that", she has continued.
"What happend because of that?", I hushed.
Her head turned to me. Her eyes showed pain.
"They beat me... ",she whispered that I could barely hear a thing.
My eyes got wide. I felt the anger come into my body.
"WHAT?!", my voice was full with anger, "WHO!?"
Jas said timidly:"it's not a big deal"
I had to try to keep myself calm.
"Ofcours it is a big deal! No one is allowed to touch you like that!"
A little smile has made up to her lips. After a short time of silence I asked:"Are you hungry"
She nod now looking into my eyes.
"Burgers?" I asked while I started the car. "Yes" she smiled a little bit.
It was very quiet till Jas's finger pressed the on/off button of the radio.
Rockstar by 21 savage was playing.
We both started singing at the same time.
Jas giggled. Awe she's so cute.
I have to distract to her.
As we arrived on the parking place of In and out burgers, she seemed a bit happier.
We both ate a Classic-Burger with some French fries.
My mind is a mess. How?
She should have a beautiful life.
I was in my thoughts.
"Mikey! ... Mikey! ... Macig Mikey!"
"Huh? Wait what?!", I asked confused with a laughter. Did she just call me Magic Mikey?
"Your phone rings", she laughed.
I pick up the phone: "Yes?", "Where are you?!", Bryce asked. "In and Out"
"Are you safe? What happend?", he sounds so irritated.
"Yes everything is okay. I'm with Jas", I replied
"That girl from the letter?", "Yah", "When are you going to be home?", "I don't know... MOM"
"Shut the fuck up boy. I was just a bit worried.", he laughed.
"Chill bro I'll call you before I come home", I finally answered.
"Ok, bye" , "Bye bro"

"Bryce?", she asked. I nod taking a bite of my Burger.

I'll be there for you ~[Mikey Barone]Where stories live. Discover now