Chapter 5

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Jessy POV


At the party....

"Dora.. Look at the boy at the corner. Don't you think he is looking at us?"

"Shut up Jessy!! All the boys in the party don't drool over us" saying Dora rolled her eyes.

I and Dora are friends from childhood, we met the squad in our highschool. The other name for me and Dora .... "Not sister's from blood, but Sister's from heart."

"Hey Dora! Can we talk?", The boy from the corner asked Dora. I and Dora exchanged glances, before that he took her hand into his. Oh boy...there's something cooking here!! "Oh sure... You can talk to her" " I'll meet you later Dora", saying I winked in her direction for which she rolled her eyes. This is the habit of her's, hmm....I guess its time to make her stop doing that. But first!! Food! Yay!! I can smell delicious.

Whenever it comes to food...I'm always in.

I'm standing in the corner of the room, watching everyone. "This is the coolest thing you get to do in parties to know about people." I saw Alex little disturbed. I don't know but something's wrong with him.

I and rest of our squad were playing "Truth and Dare". Dora is back from talking to that 'mystery man'. What? She wouldn't tell his name.

I was feeling little dizzy drinking, and dancing. "Sam, I would be right back. I need some air."

"Sure Jess! Would you want me to come along?"

"Sam! I'm not a kid. I can handle myself, anyways thanks for asking" I smiled.

"Anytime ,pretty lady", saying he winked and continued his game.

I came out of the party from the backdoor and felt the fresh and cool air against my skin.

I was enjoying the air, while I saw someone on the bench and the person seemed quite familiar.

" Hey !! What happened? What's wrong Alex?" I was worried looking at him.

He didn't respond anything. He seems dejected. I took his hand in mine and assured him everything will be alright. "I didn't know the reason behind his mood, but little did I know, it should be related to his past."

I was in my thoughts when I felt someone on me. I didn't understand what's going on. Alex was kissing me. By the time I realized what just happened, I saw Dora walking back to the party, and there is no sign of Alex.

"What the hell just happened? I am sure there is something wrong. He is a good friend of mine then why would he do such thing? Ahhh....this shouldn't have happened."

I left the party with my friends as Dora already left with whom I should have gone.


I'm on my bed,doing topsy-turvy, sleep is far of my eyes now. I was feeling guilty as I know how Dora felt for Alex. She is my best friend and I can't let her be sad because of me.

The best solution to this is to talk to Alex.

Next morning....

I got out of the shower when I saw my phone ringing. I saw the caller ID and it showed Danny.

"Hey Dan! Yeah I'm coming. Okay mmm- hmm. Yeah I'll be there in... Shit! Alex! I should talk to him. Dan I'll be there in an hour. Yup, Bye."

I immediately called Alex, and he picked up his phone like when I was about to end the call.

"Umm....hi Alex. Can we meet? I have something to talk to you."
I bet he wouldn't have slept all night. But everything should be clarified and he said he will meet me.

It was 10:00 in the morning, and I'm here waiting for Alex, near the cafe at my place.

"Hey Alex!"


I didn't know how to start the conversation. It was weird. But I guess more awkward for him.

I took the initiative as I know he wouldn't.

"Um..would you like to explain about last night."

"Jessy, I didn't mean to do what I have done. I'm really sorry for what happened. It shouldn't have happen. I was not in my senses."

"I know you didn't mean to do that, but then why did you?"

"I saw my Ex in the party. And I lost my senses. I was all mess." He was thinking all of that again.

"Alex! I understand. But whatever happened, shouldn't happen. I wanted to talk about it so that it wouldn't effect our friendship."

"I know Jessy, and I'm really sorry for what happened. And Thank you for understanding me." I saw a relief in his face.

"That's fine Alexy. Now get me some food. I'm hungry." I smiled.

We were taking, laughing as everything is sorted now. But I didn't know that every story had an another side.

I saw Dora leaving the cafe, just before we leaving. That meant she saw us.

Dammit!! Now what would Dora think? Yesterday she saw us kissing, and today she saw us spending time. Ahh....why god why? Dora is hurt and now its because of me.

Hello!! Finally! Jessy's POV.
Would love to know what you think about this chapter.

Thank you all....

Until next time :)

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