Chapter 7

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Later that day . . . 

Sarah POV

"Hey Joe! Did you hear the news?" smirking at him I asked. 

"Yeah I did. And you are not doing that role." Joe snapped at me playing video game

"Whoa! Are you serious right now? What is wrong in me playing the role?", I was so dissapointed by his reaction.

Shaking his head he said, "It's not about you Sarah, it's about who you are leading against. And I don't like you seen with him."

"Seriously? What is wrong with you guys? Why are you so upset that Drake is playing the male lead in the play with me?"

"He is not who you think Sarah. Listen to me."

"Enough of all this. Earlier my friends and now you? I am done and I will do what I like doing and I am not quitting the role because some person is acting with me." I was so angry that I stomped out for fresh air.

While walking on the path, I found a small park near my home which I didn't knew before. It was late in the evening as not many people were around. I sat under a big tree looking at the evening sky of emerging stars.

"Don't you dare Drake!", I heard faint sounds of someone yelling in the alley.

I couldn't see who was it as the alley was dark to recognize the faces. I know it's not my business but the yelling voice sounded very familiar. I stepped closer into the alley to find two persons arguing about something and surprisingly one of them is quite familiar.

"Danny? What are you doing here?"

Danny was surprised as well to see me there. "Um, What are you doing here Sarah?"

Before I could answer Dan, The other person with him stretched his hand in front of me. 

"Well Well! You are 'The Sarah' I was waiting to meet. Hi, I am Drake. Drake Scott. The one who is playing the male lead in the play with you", he winked at me introducing himself.

"Ah, Hi!", Dan was fuming at him.

"Sarah, Go home, I'll talk to you later", Saying Dan left along with Drake.

That's so weird, why did Drake emphasize my name like that? Why Dan hate him and also not to forget my brother too. 

I walked back home rewinding all the things happened.


Next Day...

"Hey Sarah!", Daisy yelled waving at me while I am in the hallway.

"Hi Daise, What's up? Which class are you in?

"Don't even ask girl, Math", She put a boring face remembering the subject. "Which is your's?"

"Mine would be free hour but I have to go for the play practice." 

"Yeah right! Is Drake acting along with you?"

"I guess so, Is something wrong?", before she answers, bell rang indicating that we are late to the class.

"I'll see you later Sarah", I turned away walking towards the theater room.

As I enter the room, I found many students with some papers in hand. I was looking for Mrs. Williams when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned back to see Drake standing in front of me.

"Hi Sarah! I hope you remember me", saying he gave the flirtatious smile.

"Hi! May I know where Mrs. Williams is?", I asked ignoring the sly smile of him.

"Sure! There she is." He pointed out her in the crowd.


Mrs. Williams greeted me and handed me the script of the play we are doing. All of us are asked to sit in rows so that Mrs. Williams would introduce us along with the roles we are supposed to do.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me?, I am an old friend of Dan.", he took the seat next to me.

"Well, if you may notice, I am trying to read the script.", I answered back at him.

"Whoa! It's true what I heard.", he was smiling.

"Excuse me? What are you talking about?", I asked.

"That you are beautiful and also tough."

I did not like the statement of his. It felt awkward.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go talk to Mrs. Williams." saying I left the place.


"Hey Sarah, why do you seem not in a good mood?"

"Hi Alex, I am alright! Thanks for asking."

"You sure?", asked Alex a little worried.

"Yeah I am, and If I may ask, What do you know about Drake?"

Alex was surprised by my question.

"What happened? Did he trouble you? I swear he would get what he deserve.", I never saw Alex fuming so bad.

I didn't want to create a bad mood of anyone, I replied, "No Alex, I was just asking to know him, you know when he is acting with me, I would want to know right?", I smiled at him looking normal.

"I don't think you should waste your time knowing about him Sarah. Anyways where is Dan? I did not see him all day."

"Speaking of which, I was about to ask you the same."

There's a commotion created at the back of college. I and Alex went there to see the why the commotion was created. Alex was before me so he could see what's going on there. And suddenly Alex rushed to the ground where two students were strangling each other.

I was shocked when I saw who are they.

"Danny! What are you doing?", I screamed  into the crowd. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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