Imagine: Kili kissing you unexpectedly

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Kili's POV

Ok here's the thing, I like her. No, scratch that, I love her and I have since we met so I'm planning on telling her today... or tonight. You know what I'm going to just kiss her. What are you thinking?! You're asking, well, if she kisses back then great! But if she doesn't then I'll just say it wasn't me it was my thaughts, plus Fili told me she likes me anyway so what could go wrong? I nod to myself and run off down the hall to find y/n.

Your POV

I am talking to Thorin and Fili in the main hall about arranging for when Fili becomes king of erebor and takes the throne from Thorin since I am the head guard. Then a loud bang is heard, so we all look around to the door which has been burst open and Kili comes running in and over to us. "Hey guys, can I borrow y/n for a minute?" He asks and no one gets to speak before Kili pulls me to the side and before I could say or do anything, he kisses me! And then pulls away and I am left speechless. He smirks "y/n, did it ever occur to you that I like you? I for one, thaught it was pretty obvious". I stand there frozen and speechless and then everyone starts to worry. "Kili, I think you broke her" Fili says. "What? Oh, no I'm fine. I uh, Kili?" I question and he smirks again. "I know you like me, someone told mec he says. CWait what? But the only one I told was..." I turn to Fili slowly. "Fili, I hope you know the consequences now" I say with a fake sweet smile and for a minute he actually looks scared. I smirk "you better run" I say and he runs away but before I could go after him, I am held back. "Gah! Let me at him, I'm gonna kill him!" I yell. Kili chuckles "I don't think so". I get my arm free but Thorin helps to hold me back. "Ugh, let me go so I can shove him off the roof!" I say as Fili comes back over to us looking scared. "No y/n, because knowing you, you'd actually do it" Thorin says and I shrug "true, but I'll let it go for now, I'm fine" I say and they slowly let go of me. I walk towards Fili and kick him in the shin... hard. "Ow!" He screeches and I smirk "serves you right". I turn around only to find Kili in front of me.

"Y/n, you haven't actually said anything and you didn't kiss back" he says and I smirk "what, you have never had a girl not kiss you back before?" I ask. "Uh, I should probably check on everyone, come on Fili" Thorin says, dragging his blond nephew behind him as he walks out of the door, leaving me and Kili alone. He takes my hands as he stands closer to me waiting on my answer. "Well, I just... wasn't expecting it is all, I mean it's not everyday you get someone run in and kiss you unexpectedly" I say trying to avoid the question and for a minute he looks like he's thinking and then a huge smirk appears on his face before turning into a grin. "You haven't had anyone kiss you before, have you" he says. "I..." I stop mid sentence, not knowing how to avoid it but I give it away by blushing slightly and looking anywhere but him. I then feel a hand under my chin and Kili lifts my head up so I am looking at him and his smirk disappears. He smiles slightly "its okay y/n, I just don't understand why no one has kissed you before". I smirk "that's because if guys are lucky enough to get that close to me, then it just ends up with them on the floor holding their face... or somewhere else" I say and he chuckles but that quickly turns into a smirk "so, does that mean you will let me be that close to you?". "Well, you gave me no choice" I shrug. He smiles as he gets closer to me making our bodies touch which makes my breath hitch in my throat. "So, what would you do if I were to kiss you again?" He asks. I shrug "I don't know". He smirks as he leans closer and presses his lips against mine gently and he takes his hand out of mine and places it around my waist while the other one still holds my hand sending a shiver up my spine and then I come back to my senses and knee him in the stomach, but less harder than anyone else and he groans, putting his hands on his sides and looking down at the floor for about 5 seconds before looking back up at me again as I smirk. "Okay, I wasn't expecting that, but also, I know you haven't kissed anyone before but I'm pretty sure that's not how you do it" he says. I chuckle "you probably deserve it for something" I reply and he shrugs "true". He walks over to me again "well, you have a funny way of showing someone you like them" he says and I smirk "you're one to talk, I thaught we were getting attacked with the way you were running at us". He chuckles "nah, I'm just unfit". I chuckle as I shake my head looking down and he lifts my chin up "let's, try this again, shall we?" He says smirking as he leans in to kiss me for the third time tonight.

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