school drama (you may skip)

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Okay... so this isn't an imagine so you can skip this if you want I'm just going to be ranting about something that is going on in my life right now and i don't want to talk to anyone about it so i thaught i would write it down instead.

So basically what is going on is i have a friend who is a boy and we are just friends. I don't understand why two people of the opposite genders can't be friends without people just assuming that you like that person or that you go out with said person. Now the last two days i was off sick but today i come back and guess what? Apparently i go out with this person. 1 how can i go out with someone without even knowing? and 2 don't you think i would know if i went out with them or not? It only started out with just my friends as a joke but i come back after two days and the whole school thinks we go out it seems. I just really don't understand i don't like him like that! But people are saying that he likes me... fair enough but he hasn't admitted it to me so until he does i am not believing anyone who says that because he told me himself that he does not like me! so how can i believe anyone?

Ok i am done, sorry for that i just needed to get it out somewhere. Anyway i will be continuing this book and my other ones but for now it might be a while til my next update cause... well you know why but i hope you understand what I'm going through and i might take a small break from wattpad so i can get my thaughts together and keep writing for you guys cause you seem to be enjoying it and if anyone has any advice i would greatly appreciate it but you didn't even need to read this so if anyone does I'm really sorry and thank you for your time. So if you have any advice just tell me in the comments but you don't have to. Thank you again for your time and i apologize to anyone who actually read this. Bye

Blue wolf

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