just a short story

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Hey guys so I was thinking maybe after every few imagines I should add a short story about Fili and kili in their normal lives so it's after the BOTFA (battle of the five armies) or it can be before like when they are teenagers or children and it has dis, their mother and thorin and other characters this is just a tester one so you can choose if you want them or not but it's up to you the choice is yours.

Imagine: Fili and kili getting a new baby sister

Dis's POV

I'm pregnant but I can't tell the boys because they are on a quest so they will be getting a big surprise when they get home hopefully they will be ok with it since the father wasn't too pleased since he left me and I haven't seen him. Well, there's only one way to find out.

3 years later

Its been a couple of years since that night and I had a baby girl 9 months after that, she is 3 now and today should be the day that the boys come home.


Y/ns POV

I'm in the garden playing when I see a pretty white flower I remember mama saying they are her favourite, so I pick it from the ground carefully and run inside. Mama! I say and stop when I see three male dwarves in the living room. I look at mama and she looks nervous so I walk over to her and stretch my arms out wanting to be picked up and she does. Boys, this is y/n... she's your baby sister mama says and I look at the dwarves again. We have a sister? One of them says and mama nods y/n, this is Fili and kili your older brothers and that's your uncle thorin. Dis I think we need to talk uncle thorin says and mama nods putting me down and leaving me with my brothers. They smile and kneel down how can you be our baby sister? You're so cute! Kili says earning a elbow in the ribs from Fili. Kili you know she can hear you right? He asks and I laugh and then I turn around and put the flower on the table. I turn back the other way facing my brothers play with me? I say and they both smile nodding.

My new brothers and I have been playing all day and it's now time for bed so we all go upstairs. Fili and kili come into my room to tuck me in. When I'm in bed they both kiss my cheek and say goodnight then, they walk out before Fili closes the door over and I fall asleep.

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