Imagine being best friends with kili (as children)

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You are 11 (6) kili is 14 (9) fili is 18 (12)

I come out of my house with my mum's permission ready to see my best friend kili. I run to his house then I knock on the door and it opens to reveal Dis kili"s mum. She smiles hi y/n are you here for kili? She asks. Is he here Mrs. Durin? I ask and she nods yes come is he's in his room. I nod before stepping into the house and running up to the prince's room. Kili durin! I shout as i come in and suddenly i am knocked to the floor. Y/n! He shouts and i smile up at him. I didn't scare you? I ask and he shakes his head. Nope, not this time he says. That's when the door opens and fili comes in. He laughs when he sees us on the floor. What are you two doing?... Anyway kili, mum says you need to go play outside if you are going to be loud he informs us. Ok, well we arn't exactly going to be quiet so let's go kili says helping me up. We both race past fili almost knocking him over before heading outside.

We run all the way to the fields at the far end of the village of Dale. We sit on the grass to have a rest. So what game should we play today? I ask and he smiles widely. We can fight smaug? He suggests and i smile back. Lets do it... but who's going to be smaug? I say and he shrugs I'll do it. I nod ok and soon our game starts. I will never be defeated! I shout and he laughs evily. I am the mighty smaug you can never defeat me! He says. I smirk wanna bet? He chuckles you're on. He charges at me pinning me down. We wrestle each other in the grass for what seems like hours before i get my invisible sword and stab him in the chest with my fist. He pretends to die and i stand up. Victory is mine! I say as i put my foot on his stomach in triumph.

He "wakes up" before speaking. But the battle isn't over yet... y/n watch out! Azog is attacking! He says and before i could do anything i am picked up but i know it's thorin because of the big coat. Gah! Kili help, azog's got me! I say and he stands up before running at his uncle who is now carrying me under his arm like a sack of potatoes. Kili pretends to kick and punch at thorins legs and suddenly fili comes out of no where tackling his brother to the ground. Kili! You have an orc minion on you! I say and he chuckles from under his brother. Really? I didn't know that! He yells sarcastically but jokingly. I manage to get out from under thorin's arm and climb onto his shoulder. Then fili and kili appear beside us and i climb down from thorin to walk with kili. I notice thorin and fili walking a few steps ahead of us then i start to feel tired. I yawn and kili notices. Y/n do you want to go on my back and i will carry you? He offers and i nod tiredly.  He smiles at me before bending down low enough so i can climb onto his back. He stands up with his arms behind him keeping me balanced. Then he starts walking as i rest my head on his back, yawning again. I can no longer keep my eyes open after a few minutes so i let them close and i fall asleep.

Kili's POV

I feel y/ns breathing starting to become even so i know she is asleep. I knew she was tired. I slow down my walking pace so i don't wake her up. She is younger than me so she gets tired quicker and because of that i need to do what a good friend would do and look after her. I finally get home, thorin and fili got here before me since i had to slow down for y/n. I walk into the living room to see mum and thorin sitting on the armchairs. Kili mum starts but i quickly shush her by putting my finger to my lips. What will i do with y/n? I whisper. Oh, just keep her here tonight but let her mother know thorin answers in the same tone. I nod before taking y/n upstairs to my room then i lay her in my bed and tuck her in. I'll be back soon y/n i whisper before going back downstairs and out the front door.

I quickly run to the next street to y/ns house and knock. Her mum answers the door. Hi Mrs. L/n sorry it's late but y/n kind of fell asleep at my house is it okay if she stays for the night? I will bring her back in the morning i say and she smiles. Thank you kili sorry about that and yes it's absolutely fine she replies. No, it's ok it's really no problem at all but i will return her to you in the morning i say and she nods greatfully thank you kili she's lucky to have a friend like you. I smile before saying goodbye and leaving. I run back to my house and up to my room. I quickly get changed into my night tunic then find a spare blanket and pillow. I lie on the floor before falling asleep and the last thing on my mind was... yes, she may be my best friend but i hope to one day make her my wife.

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