Thank you!

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Sorry but I just wanted to say thank you so much for 1k reads! I literally just came on right this second and saw the number go from 999 to 1k and I can't even believe it. I honestly just started writing this book for fun (also cause I have a huge crush on kili/Aidan turner) but I never imagined any of my books would get this many reads. My mum and dad don't even know I have wattpad. It means so much to me. Now recently I haven't been updating for personal reasons I will admit if you want to know what they are then go back a few chapters and you can read it for yourself. Anyway this has really helped me through that and I'm more confident than I was when I first made an account on wattpad. Coming home from school just feeling like I want to die then when I open wattpad, seeing the numbers change nearly everyday honestly makes me happier than I ever have been. I would love to be an author when I'm older but I have never had the confidence to show anyone my stories except when I write them in English at school handing it in to the teacher. I don't think I have let anyone I know but my teacher read my stories even my family and friends. The only person I have ever let read them is my dog and she can't even read! (Or even looked like she was interested) so I can't even tell you how happy I am right now but... I'm also really confused because I honestly am not a good writer. I just write what comes into my head.

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to even read just one of my imagines. It's amazing knowing that real people actually read my books. I really don't have much else to say but thank you again. Anyway my next imagine will be up soon, I don't know when but I am in the middle of writing it so I would imagine it's pretty soon so keep an eye out for it. Bye!


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