imagine: being in love with kili but you push him away

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Your POV

I'm in rivendell right now after being attacked by orcs so we are here to rest and I am at a waterfall with Fili. Come on y/n just admit it you love him he says and I shake my head no I do not you have gone mad I should have known it was a bad idea to come here I say and he gives me a look saying "im not buying it" y/n I can see it in your eyes you love my brother why arn't you admitting it? He asks and I sigh because Fili its not true in fact its the opposite of love. He sighs what so now your just going to ignore your feelings? You can't do that to yourself. Yes I can Fili and I will because I don't feel anything for kili I say. Then why do you always have that spark in your eyes when you see him? Or why do you always play pranks on him? Or why is it always you who ends up saving him? Tell me why all those things happen I sigh fili I am happy to see him because he's my friend and I play pranks on him because that's what friends do and it's just a coincidence that I end up saving him I say.  He sighs y/n you are in love with my brother he says and I shake my head. No Fili I am not so just drop it I say walking away. I hope your walking away to see kili and tell him your feelings! He says but I ignore him and just continue walking to my room.


I have been in my room all day wondering if Fili is right and right now the company is downstairs having dinner while I am up here not wanting to see or talk to any of them especially kili. I hear a knock on the door. Y/n are you coming? Everyone's asking where you are I hear kili's voice say. No im fine just leave me alone I say and he sighs you have been acting weird all day what's wrong? He asks. Nothing is wrong okay? Just go I say and I hear him sigh and walk away down the hall and I start crying. Maybe Fili is right I think im falling for him I could get lost in those brown eyes of his and he is only slightly taller than me and older than me by a year. I snap myself out of my thaughts. Mother of durin im falling for kili I say to myself. I eventually find myself falling asleep so I close my eyes and fall into darkness.

Kili's POV

I know something is wrong with y/n she never acts like this I don't understand it, okay I'm going to see her I say to myself and make my way to her room and I knock on her door but there is no answer so I knock again and I start to get worried so I let myself in and see she's asleep and sigh of relief. I walk over to the bed and carefully sit hoping not to wake her. Y/n I don't understand you arn't acting like your normal self im starting to get worried I whisper. I notice a bit of her hair falls covering her face so I chuckle lightly and reach over putting it behind her ear. You have no idea how beautiful you are y/n I say to myself more than to her. It is true I hear a voice behind me making me jump so I turn around and see my blonde brother. Fili don't do that what is it? I say careful not to wake y/n up. Here we'll talk somewhere else he says and I nod and follow him out the door and closing it heading to fili's room.

Kili y/n is trying to avoid you he says. What why? What did I do? I say and he sighs you didn't do anything she's avoiding you for her own sake and I may have something to do with it. I sigh what did you do? I ask and he shakes his head I was just getting her to see what she had been missing this whole time he says. And what would that be? I say and he sighs im not the one to tell you really it should be y/n but she hasn't even realised it herself yet. What do you mean by that? I ask. I can't say im leaving it up to y/n to say but for now just pretend you don't know what's going on. I nod alright what's in it for me? I say and he smirks something more than friendship he says and then pushes me out of his room and I sigh y/n.

A few days later

Your POV

All week I have been avoiding kili and I think he's getting suspicious I can't talk to him it will just make things worse for me I need to forget him. I am beside the waterfall that me and Fili were talking at a few days ago. I sigh what have you done to me kili? I ask myself. Y/n I hear behind me and I don't need to turn around to know who said it... kili. I was just leaving I say but before I could leave I am grabbed by the waist and pushed against a tree gently. No you weren't y/n I have had enough of this what is going on? I sigh but don't say anything. Y/n talk to me... please he says but I just shake my head and push past him since he loosened his grip on me. Y/n come here he says and I shake my head no kili its hard enough staying away from you stop making it harder I say. Do you know how much this is hurting me not seeing you everyday? He asks. I'm sorry kili but I need a few more weeks away from you I say. A few more weeks? Y/n I can't take another second of this it's hurting me knowing there is something wrong and I can't help you cause I don't know what it is he says. Well maybe its better like that because this is not something you can help with your only making it worse I say silently crying. He goes quiet like he's thinking. I look at the ground shamefully still not looking at him but I feel his gaze on me. He sighs y/n he says his voice cracking.

I don't care let me help you with whatever is bothering you we have always helped each other why stop now? I don't say anything not trusting my voice. Y/n? He says and I sigh kili you can't help me because it's about you I say and immediately close my mouth after realising what I just said. I close my eyes knowing I should have just stayed quiet and regretting opening my mouth in the first place. What about me? what did I do? He asks. I open my eyes and my vision is blurred with tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. K-kili I have been avoiding you... because I thaught... you would find out something that I didn't even realise before... until Fili pointed it out I say my voice shaking. I feel his presence closer to me and I feel his hands on my shoulders turning me around to face him but I look at the ground not daring to look up at him. Y/n talk to me he says and that's when tears start to run down my face and desolve into the ground. Hey shh don't cry just tell me he says using his thumb to wipe my tears away. K-kili I... you made me realise... with the help if Fili... and something I probably should have known for a while now... kili I  uh I... I sigh. I... I have... f-fallen for you I say. Really? He says and I can hear the smirk in his voice. I nod and he chuckles y/n I love you. I look up at him what? You mean... your not going... to hate me? I ask and he smiles no why would I hate you? He says. Well because I have been avoiding you for the past week I say and he nods yes but I now know why. I shrug yea but your not going to hurt me? He chuckles where did you get that from? I don't know I thaught you might have shot me with an arrow or something I say and he shakes his head I don't even have my bow with me he says. Oh... well then your going to stab me, kick me, punch me, eat me?! I say and he chuckles no in fact I have a better idea he says.

What? Tie me up to a tree and then do all those things? I say and he shakes his head although it does involve a tree he says but before I can answer he pushes me against a tree again and kisses me gently and I slowly melt into his arms and he pulls away smirking. Oh Fili was right I am oblivious I say and he smiles yes you are and he leans in and kisses me again. I never actually thaught about this but I like the feeling of having his lips on mine. They are soft and he seems like he knows what he's doing. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer and I hesitate but put my hands on his chest and eventually kiss him back and he smiles into the kiss and pulls away a bit and shakes his head don't hesitate he says and I nod as he kisses me again until I'm left breathless. He sighs and then smirks out of breath already? He says. Hey don't judge me I wasn't expecting you to be a good kisser I say and he smirks again oh? So im good kisser then? He asks and I sigh and feel myself blush and smile shyly and he chuckles your cute he says before leaning in to kiss me again.

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