Imagine: Having to kiss aidan turner in the hobbit

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(So, this one isn't really Kili but it is, because it's Aidan turner, who plays Kili, but this is you kissing Kili instead of Tauriel at the end.)

your POV

So right now me, some co-actors, script writers and Peter Jackson are sitting around a table in a meeting room trying to figure what to do with Lorelei, my character and Kili, Aidan's character relationship in the last scene. "So, any ideas?" Peter asks and I shrug copying Aidan's actions. "What if we make Kili die?" Dean O'Gorman says who plays Fili. "Oh, thanks man" Aidan says sarcastically. Dean chuckles "let me finish. Kili could die and we can get Lorelei to kiss him, because you know, her crush is dead". My eyes widen and I glare at my best friend, because he knows I have a crush on Aidan in real life. "Actually, that's good" Peter says and I sigh "this just had to happen to me didn't it?" I say to myself. "Y/n, do you have any objections?" Peter says next to a smirking Dean and I make a mental note to kill him later. Then I look at Aidan who shrugs. "No, not really, but couldn't Tauriel kiss him? I mean, she likes Kili too" I say and Peter chuckles "yes she does, but we are talking about Lorelei here, so do you want to do it?" He asks. "I haven't got a choice have I?" I ask and he shakes his head "No, you don't, because we're doing it anyway". I sigh, what the hell.

Myself, Dean and Aidan leave so they can work on the script for us and now is my time to kill Dean. "Hey guys, I'm going to get something to eat, you coming?" Aidan says and we shake our heads. "No, I'm good" I reply. He nods "alright" then walks off and right after he's out of sight I turn around to Dean. "I am going to kill you, Fili" I say and he smirks "don't deny it, you wanted this to happen, so really you should be thanking me". "What? no! This was the last thing on my mind!". He sighs "come on, how bad can it be? It's just one kiss". I shake my head "No, actually, it's not just one kiss, because we will be doing multiple takes". He smiles sympathetically at me "i'm sorry y/n, but everyone has to do it at some point in their acting career" he says as he walks away leaving me alone to my thaughts.

A few hours later

We have been given the script for the last scene between me and Aidan and I read over it and sigh when my eyes scan over the kissing scene. I mean, it's not like a make out session but it's not a small kiss either and then I realise they have changed it and Kili doesn't die. "I am really starting to dislike the scriptwriters now" I mumble to myself. I hear a knock on my trailer door. "It's open" I say and the person comes in and when I look up from the script, I see its Aidan. "Hey Kili, what's up?" I say and he chuckles  "nothing, I was just going to see if you saw the change in the scene yet". I nod "yep". His facial expression suddenly becomes serious. "Y/n are you sure you're  okay with this?" He asks and I raise my eyebrow "okay with what?" I ask and he sighs "are you okay with the kissing scene?". "What? Yes, I'm totally fine with it, are you okay with it?" I ask and he nods and then gives me a look. "Y/n, I'm fine with it, I have done kissing scenes before in other movies but you haven't, that's why I'm asking". "And I said I'm fine with it" I say and he sighs "alright, I just didn't want you to feel uncomfortable". I return his sigh "Aidan, thank you, but really I'm fine, besides it's just acting, nothing I can't handle" I say. He nods "alright, just so you known we're doing the scene tomorrow". and he leaves my trailer.

The next day

I'm getting my make up done to get ready to be turned into a dwarf. I sigh as I try to calm my nerves. "You alright?" My make up artist, Lisa asks. I smile "I'm fine, I'm just a bit nervous for the scene". She nods understandingly "oh, well I'm sure it will be fine, you and Aidan are friends right?". I nod "yeah, but I'm just hoping it won't make it awkward between us" I say and she chuckles "Well, that's you done". I sigh "you couldn't have done it any faster could you?". I stand up and she smiles "sorry, but you still have your costume to put on". I shrug "true, but that only takes five minutes" I say before leaving my dressing room to the costume room. I sigh as I walk in and I see Dean getting ready. "Hey Dean" I say and he smiles "hey y/n, you excited for your scene with Aidan?" He asks and I sigh again "actually, I feel like I'm going to throw up with these stupid nerves". I start putting my costume on starting with my blouse. He looks up at me from doing his belt "hey, calm down, it will be fine". "You're one to talk, you don't have to kiss Aidan I say. He chuckles "and I am very thankful for that, but I promise you it will be fine, plus I've been told Aidan is a good kisser". I put on my trousers and do my belt and then put on my tunic and my chain mail armour. "Yeah, maybe he is, but that's not what I'm worried about, I'm nervous because I have never kissed anyone..." I pause after realising what I was saying and I quickly add "for a movie before". I look up at him and he stares at me in shock "you mean, you haven't... kissed anyone before?". I nod slowly "Yeah... sad right?I haven't really had time for stuff like that". he chuckles "Haven't had time? Y/n, you're 21 for Fili's sake, you have all the time in the world!" I shake my head "Dean, I can't do this. Aidan has way more experience in this than I do, just convince Peter to change it and ask Eve to do the scene" I say and he sighs "No y/n, I know you can do this. It's so easy, believe it or not I have been in the same situation and it's not that bad". I sigh "well, thanks for trying Dean". I put my boots on and get my weapons then walk out the door to the set.

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