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The rhythmic sound of ice breaking was a constant in the icy landscape of Alaska. A single figure remained in the clearing, standing out against the white landscape. Sweat dripped into the boy's eyes as he panted heavily, his raven black hair plastered against his neck from the hours of training that he had committed himself to. He held a sword in his right hand, surging forward to slash at the block of ice before him, rolling with the momentum and coming up to parry an imaginary strike. He twirled the sword in his hands and dashed forward in a flurry of blows aimed at and around the block of ice. His sword flew around him, lopping off the top of the ice his blade lightly touching the ground. The clearing fell silent, save for the harsh pants of the boy. Regaining his breath, he straightened up, glancing at the clearing through narrowed eyes. Must have been too strung up recently, he mused, making his way down the glacier, there were huge gouges in the ice around him, and small bits of chipped ice lay scattered across the clearing. He looked up at the clear sky, oceanic green eyes swirling with pain and frustration as memories of the last time he was in Alaska assaulted him. He closed his eyes, breathing slowly to control his anger; he didn't want another relapse, not even in this desolate place. He opened his eyes, hard emerald glittering in the morning light. He turned and left the clearing, making his way towards a metallic dome at the bottom of the glacier.


High above Alaska, in the golden realm of Asgard, Odin Allfather sat upon the throne, his lone eye gazing into the distance, seeing and yet unseeing.


Odin blinked, looking down at his first born who knelt at his feet, gesturing for him to rise.

"Has something happened father?" Thor asked. The king sighed, "Nothing, the realms are silent, peace, it seems, has deigned to make its presence known. It is far too quiet..." he broke off eyes becoming unfocused once more. Thor frowned; his father seemed off recently, more weary than usual. "Father", he began hesitantly, waiting for his father's focus to return to him, "if there is nothing that troubles you, I would head back to Midgard today."

If the Allfather gave any indication of displeasure at his insistence on returning to the mortals, he did not show it. Instead, he waved a hand at his son, who inclined his head and left the hall, his heavy footsteps echoing. Odin sighed again, he felt a soul deep weariness. He had thought that after apprehending the trickster there would be some semblance of peace and normality. But there was a sinister quality to the peace shrouding the nine realms. The king had thought that to end the actions of his wayward second son, but Thor had spoken to him of Loki controlling several mortals with the scepter like a puppeteer.

While Odin knew that any accomplished seidr-master, and Loki was far above that level, could influence the mind of another, Thor had described it differently. He had claimed that the mortal's eyes had changed in color, and that it required direct contact between the scepter and the victim's chest. As far as the Allfather knew, a seidr-master's influence over another would not have changed he other's eye color, nor would it have been broken so easily with a mere physical blow. The scepter itself was yet another disturbing thought. He had never seen a weapon of the sort before, nor the power it contained within it. While Loki could be proficient with a spear, he normally preferred the use of his own daggers. From the moment he could hold a weapon, his youngest son had only relied on the weapons he chose as his.

Never had he witnessed his youngest claim another's weapon willingly. Even the gifts given to him for his coming of age had been altered by various enchantments to suit his needs. To hear Thor claim that Loki had willingly used the weapon and had not shown signs of having used his own daggers or his vast array of spells sent warning bells ringing in the old king's head. He sighed, he did not want to believe that Loki had been a puppet in another's hands, but with the evidences pointing to that undesirable conclusion, he feared the worst. Loki was strong enough to break out of enchantments of his mind, if there was one who could influence him to such a degree... Odin sighed, something had been set in motion by the events that happened while he was in Odinsleep and Thor was banished. He had inkling to who lurked in the void, but he refused to acknowledge the thought. It felt like the calm before the storm, except this time he did not know if Asgard would survive the storm on the horizon.

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