Chapter 49

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For those on the mainland of Asgard, the war didn't start the moment the portal opened. The warriors of Asgard watched as two figures cloaked in red battled the behemoths in the distance, engaging them in an aerial battle that resembled an exotic dance ritual. The soldiers could the black swarm in the distance slowly approaching them, and they all gripped their weapons just a little tighter. The first swarm was taken down by a giant wave of water – which had the avengers cracking a wan smile at that, knowing that Percy was doing his best out there, alone, to slow the progress of the chitauri. The second fell the same way, but the third got past the bridge, the black dot it was becoming individual figures as the chitauri approached the heart of the golden realm. Behind them, thousands more chitauri poured out, their numbers so massive it blotted out the sun.

Steve was reminded of a nest of angry hornets as he watched the swarm approach. Their buzzing grew louder and louder, until they filled the ears of every man and woman who fought on the battlefield. The Asgardian warriors responded to an unspoken command as the swarm drew closer, the first row of warriors dropping to a knee with their shield on top, the second and third row coming up to lock their shields together, forming a solid golden shield just in time for the first wave of attack. Steve ducked behind his own shield, choosing to use the buildings around him as his cover. He didn't see Natasha, but he wasn't worried, he knew that she could take care of herself. When the first wave of attack finally stopped, the warriors disengaged from their phalanx formation and ran forward, their spears leveled ahead of them as they plunged into the mass of chitauri who had reached the ground.

Steve joined in the battle, a cacophony of metal striking against metal accompanied by roars of challenge and loud, angry screeching. He threw his shield, punching a chitauri in the jaw and slamming his elbow into another's throat. He held up a hand just in time to catch his shield. The vibranium disc having taken down a dozen of the chitauri as it completed its path. He leapt of the fallen aliens and slammed into another horde of chitauri, pushing against their weapons. He heard a shout, "Cap!" and ducked, feeling a pressure on his back before it was gone. He looked up to see Natasha flipping over the heads of the chitauri, activating her Widow's Bite as she did, sending volts of electricity into the aliens.

She landed on the other side of the group, turning back to give him a smirk, "Thanks for the boost Cap." Before she ran off, leaping at a pair of chitauri accosting an Asgardian warrior, snapping both their necks easily. Steve just sighed and lifted his shield, deflecting a blast from the chitauri. He let his instincts take over, looking out for the Asgardian warriors and taking down as many chitauri as he could.

He heard the sound of engine whining, quickly slamming his shield into one of the creature's face. He turned just in time to see Iron Man land, making charred bodies out of the aliens surrounding him. Lifting up his shield, he braced himself as Tony fired both repulsors at him, tilting the shield slightly to deflect the beam to cut through the throng of chitauri like a laser.

"Heh." Tony's disembodied voice said, "That never gets old."

Steve smirked, "Don't get too ahead of yourself Stark, there's more to come."

It was hard to snark when others couldn't see your face, but Tony Stark somehow managed to do so fantastically as he flew off.

"Catch ya later old man!"

Steve sighed, that was one joke that was never going to grow old.


Steve turned to face Natasha, who had called him, wading through a mass of bodies to try to get to the female assassin. When he was close enough, she shouted, "Barton says they need help!"

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