Chapter 39

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"So, first things first," Tony said, sprawling on a chair once he had gotten through Thor's thick head, "How are we gonna get to Asgard?"

Thor crossed his arms and frowned thoughtfully, "That I do not know, however, I am most confident that my brother knows of a way to return to my homeland, or he would not have suggested it."

Tony groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face, "So we're relying on the homicidal god who went on a rampage in New York to transport us safely to Asgard? And speaking of, what happened between you two? I mean, one moment you're all leaping at each other's throats and the next you both are the best of buddies!"

Thor fidgeted uncomfortably, "I would not say that we are the 'best of buddies' as you have mentioned, too much exists between Loki and I to forget all our previous animosity. But we have both agreed to work to overcome the rift that has been drawn between us, and for that, I am grateful enough."

Steve smiled slightly, "It's great that you're making amends Thor, I hope you'll really work it out with Loki in the end. But we have another problem, are we or are we not going to call Natasha and Clint? And Phil if he wants to come along."

Bruce tilted his head thoughtfully, "I suppose we should ask them, but they are assassins, and I don't mean this in a demeaning way or anything, but assassins aren't exactly known for their altruism."

Steve nodded, "But we are a team, and even if they left, they left for a good reason."

"Cap, they left because it was getting too dangerous, they left to find a safe house to hole up in!" Tony said, throwing up his hands, "Besides, who said that they would wanna come back into battle? As Brucie boy said here, they're assassins, they're not cut out for battle anyway. And on that note, I would like to just say that its completely weird to be talking as if I'm going off for war."

Thor frowned, "But you are going off for war."

"Not the point Point Break, but really, what right do we have to call them back?"

Steve mulled over this for awhile, he wondered how it was possible for Tony to keep being able to surprise him after so long. "You're right, but shouldn't we give them the chance to decide for themselves?"

Steve's rhetorical question hung in the air, the four avengers waiting in silence for a decision to be made. For the second time in as many hours, the door opened to reveal Loki and Percy, of which the former seemed disgruntled and the latter slightly smug.

"So..." Tony drawled, taking in the looks of the two who just entered, turning to Percy, "I take it you're coming with us?"

Percy looked at him in surprise, "You're going to Asgard too?"

Bruce nodded, "And we're kind of deciding if we should call Nat and Clint along, you know, assemble the whole team like we did in New York?"

Loki glanced at the three mortals and gave his brother a sharp look; Thor just shrugged, indicating that he had nothing on mortal obstinacy. "We need to get to Asgard as soon as possible, we have no time for detours."

"Hey, if they agree to come along, that'll mean you'll have two master assassins fighting on your side. I'm pretty sure that's a big advantage for you."

Loki sneered, "And if they decide not to come along, then it will have been a wasted trip in which the time taken could have been put to better use."

Tony growled, "Listen up here Reindeer Games, I can accept that you've changed, that you weren't in control of your own little brain back then, but know this: we're helping Thor, our team mate, we don't owe you anything, and we don't have to follow your orders. And right now, we're doing this as a team. The whole 'all for one and one for all' mortal proverb which you won't know about because you don't have the team player spirit."

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