Chapter 38

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He awoke in a lush green field, blinking confusedly as he sat up slowly, taking in the huge field and the clear blue sky, the sun's rays gently resting upon his face, nary a cloud in view. The grass beneath his fingers felt so soft, his fingers caressing each blade as his hand passed through the greenery. The grass bowed beneath the wind, the invisible currents curling around him one moment and speeding off in another direction the next. Despite the fact that there were no visible landmarks save the huge field, Loki had the distinct feeling that he had been here before. He wracked his brain for an answer, sorting through centuries of memories to try to find a field like this.

He bypassed Muspelheim, Niflheim, Jotunheim and Svartalfheim, wondering if he had ended in Vanaheim by accident. He spun on his heel then, realizing that wherever he was, Percy was not beside him.

Loki ran through the fields, his magic cast out in search for the demigod, the wind whipping violently around him, but there was no one in sight, and no end to the vast plain, just a stretch of green continuing as far as the eye could see. A soft voice whispered his name, carried by the wind, making him freeze.

Loki whirled around, "Who's there?" He growled, his seidr gathering at his fingertips, ready to be used.

The grass swayed in the aftermath of the breeze.

Loki frowned, his mind turning, before stilling completely, no turbulent thoughts whirling in his mind, the wind ceasing its movements almost immediately. He exhaled, his heart thrumming with excitement and apprehension as everything fell in place and where he was clicked in his mind.

"Mother." He breathed, his heart soaring.

A heartbeat. Two. Then –

"You have grown so much since I last saw you Loki." A soft voice said, her musical voice carrying across the plain easily. He raised his head, his eyes meeting soft turquoise ones, taking in the sight the woman who raised him, her smooth skin, the blond curls that were held up by pins, the normal length of hair that was left cascading down her back was now twisted into a bun at the top of her head. Her eyes, though soft and gentle, had a sheen of steel behind them, tight, drawn lines marring her otherwise smooth face. Her normal attire consisting of a green tunic and a long white dress was nowhere to be seen. Instead, where soft silk hid her arms from public view, now they were covered in Asgardian metal, the armor encasing her wrist to her shoulder, connecting with a breastplate that was decorated with the Asgardian symbol. Her vanguards protected her forearms well, and if she was anything like Loki - which meant a lot like him - those same vanguards hid daggers that could slit throats with no one the wiser. He noticed Mjolnir on her left vanguard, something he expected, but was taken aback at the sight of his helmet engraved on her right. And given that her right arm was her dominant arm... He looked at her in shock.
Frigga, queen of Asgard and mother of two sons, smiled at her youngest. "Is my presence that stunning that I have caused you to be speechless?"

Loki shook his head, "Mother. - I mean, Your Majesty -"

Frigga frowned, holding up a hand, "Enough with the titles, you are my son, and I your mother, you will address me as such. Unless," she said, a gleam in her eye, "you no longer consider me kin?"

Loki flinched back, "I would never dare to disclaim our relationship. It is one I cherish and hold most dear."

Frigga smiled, the tense lines on her face melting away. She swept forward, her boot covered feet carrying her towards her son. She reached a hand out to him, Loki responding in kind as he grasped her hand. The queen of Asgard smiled, her other hand coming up to rest on Loki's cheek, her motherly love tangible to him. "I wish that this was a casual call Loki," she whispered, "but alas, I have news that are of utmost import."

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