Chapter 36

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Nico sat beside his cousin, listening intently as Percy retold the whole story from the ambush at the base to what Amora did to him, to the whole Hel part which was still just a blur in Percy's mind to how he woke up to see Triton and his dad and finding out that Loki had saved his very soul.

"I don't really remember much of my time in Helheim, or however you pronounce that. I mean, I remember that I was running, and that I didn't remember Loki, but I don't remember specific events." Percy said, shrugging.

Nico pursed his lips, "Maybe it's because of the different time frames. Kind of like how time passes faster in the Underworld as compared to the real world, maybe time passes faster in Helheim too."

Percy shrugged again, "Maybe." He said simply, the two of them falling into companionable silence.

Percy waited while Nico mulled things over, he could understand how upset the other demigod might be, so he decided that it was better to let him digest everything first. After all, he still felt guilty for not telling his cousin where he disappeared to.

Nico, on the other hand, was turning over the events that his cousin had gone through in such a short amount of time. It seemed that even when he wasn't involved in the Greek world, he still couldn't catch a break. Two wars were more than enough for one person, and yet Percy was dragged into yet another complication. Surprising his cousin and himself, he launched himself at Percy, the taller demigod catching him easily as he wrapped his arms around his cousin. Nico hugged Percy around the midriff tightly, as if to reassure himself that Percy was really there. Percy blinked in shock even as his arms came up to return the embrace. Within the three of them, it was always Percy who was the most tactile, Thalia didn't do hugs, she did lightning bolts and punches and Nico just stayed away from general contact. For him to initiate contact first... Percy sighed and leaned into the embrace, his cousin burying his face into his neck.

"Don't ever do that again Perce. Please." Came the muffled voice from the son of Hades.

Percy smiled slightly, "You know I can't guarantee that Nickky." He said softly, "I cannot promise that I won't die, we're demigods after all. But I can promise that I will damn well fight all the way."

Nico grinned and nodded, removing himself from Percy, slightly embarrassed. Percy reached out a hand and ruffled the smaller boy's hair, causing Nico to yelp indignantly. "I'm not a child!" the darker skinned boy huffed, patting his hair down.

Percy smirked, "You're four years my junior, kiddo."

Nico scowled, "If you wanna get technical, I'm older than you by at least seventy decades or so."

Percy snorted, "Yeah well, time in the Lotus Hotel isn't counted."

Nico glared at Percy, who just smiled back cheekily. The hydrokinetic whipped his head around, eyeing the block of ice that blocked the entrance to the clearing. Nico stiffened as well, gripping the sword he had laid on the ground while they were talking. He moved to stand but Percy held a hand out, concentrating. After several seconds, he relaxed, waving his hand and melting the ice. "Take down your shadow wall." He said, eyes never leaving the path.

Nico gaped at him, "What? Are you mad? Who knows who it could be on the other side!"

Percy rolled his eyes exasperatedly, "Nickky, its Loki, let the poor god in."

"Who said anything about me being a poor god?" Loki commented as he stepped into the clearing as Nico complied, the sight of the huge dragon not even fazing him at all, though he did give the reptile a wide berth as he walked towards the two demigods, Thor slung over his shoulders.

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