Chapter 26

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Loki stood waist-deep in cold water, feeling the magic-infused call ripple through the waters. He waited patiently, knowing that his son didn't have a reason to appear so quickly, and slightly nervous at that fact. It was no secret that he'd tried to come and see his son numerous times after he was cast out by Odin, but each time, he had been stopped, first by Heimdall not allowing him access to the Bifrost, then Thor stopping him physically when he slipped through the realms. When he had perfected the art of hiding from Heimdall's gaze, he had tried once more, but Odin and his ravens, Huginn and Muninn, had tracked him down and stopped him before he could get near any body of water on Midgard. That had led to the worst punishment of his life, something that he refused to even think about even now, as scarring as it was.

So caught up within his thoughts was he that he didn't realize at first when small ripples splashed his legs. Only the stray thought that there were no other beings around him made him pause and look up. He watched, slightly fascinated as the small ripples became bigger and more frequent, his eyes fixed on the starting point of the ripples. He watched, awed as the centre of the lake seemed to rise, a small bit at first, a small mound in the middle of the dark water. Then, the mound became bigger and bigger until the water broke, revealing a scaled head with webbed fins extending from the crown of its head and under its jaw emerging from the depths of the lake.

Loki stood transfixed at the sight, the top of the head rose higher and higher, until it rose above him, blotting out the sun even though he was standing a ways away from it. Water dripped off the sides of the head of the creature, sliding down a scaled face and past intelligent black eyes. The head of the creature rose even further, its mouth surfacing from the depths of the water, sharp jagged rows of teeth adorning its strong powerful jaws.

To anyone else, the sight of such an enormous head – almost the size of a bus – would have sent them running away, screaming in fright. To Loki, who stood in the water, the cold all but forgotten at the sight of his son, his heart thrummed fiercely with pride with the majesty of his son's visage.

"Jormungand..." he whispered.

Horizontal eyelids slid over the eyes of the serpent, making it seem like the wyrm was blinking*.

Father. Loki heard in his mind, and he nearly cried at the sound of his son's voice, a voice he had not heard in centuries. He raised his hand hesitantly, stepping further into the water. The serpent eyed the hand for a moment, before lowering his head until the tip of his nostril bumped against Loki's hands.

Loki laughed, feeling the warm breath on his face as his son huffed at him, rubbing his hand fondly over thick scales, ridges and bumps, lost in the emotion. The god looked down, still rubbing his hands over his son's face, feeling undeniably guilty. He could have tried harder to see his son, done more to speak up against the Allfather and his stupid lies –

Loki sputtered as a jet of water squirted him in the face. He withdrew his hands, swiping away water and coughing out the taste of salt in his mouth as he glared at his son, who was baring his teeth in a monstrous representation of a smile.

"What was that for?"

There was something to be said about a gigantic sea creature facing a tiny humanoid figure and managing to look reprimanding. You were thinking too much again. It is not your fault.

Loki eyed him, how in the world did he? –

Jormungand rolled his eyes – the best imitation of the look he could copy – staring at his father, you forget that I have spent time with you, you think too much.

Loki sighed exasperatedly, "I should have done something anyway. All this time, I had the power to –"

You did not. Came the reply, you tried your best, I know, I was there, but Odin was always meant to betray us. The serpent moved back, managing to look proud even though only his head was visible, besides, I am happy here. I have made many friends in my time here, and they treat me well.

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