Chapter 1

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Percy strolled to the metal dome, nodding to the guards at the entrance as they stepped back, his sword sheathed in its scabbard strapped to his back. As he walked through the compound, people moved out of his path with their heads bowed down, unable to withstand the cold, emotionless mask he wore. He turned the corner, swiping his card before entering his room. He placed his sword on his bed and quickly stripped off his clothes, changing into a fresh set. He threw his clothes into the laundry chute and picked up his sword, making his way quickly to the lab on the top floor. As he neared the lab, he heard an obnoxious voice echoing down the hallway. His stride faltered for a moment, mouth twisted in annoyance when he realized who exactly S.H.I.E.L.D had called in to analyse the readings. Percy sighed, best to get this over and done with, he thought, moving to enter the code that would allow him entrance into the lab.

"Mr. Stark, I wasn't aware that Director Fury had sent you in." he drawled, stepping into the lab and nodding at a meek looking Bruce. Tony Stark grinned at the deadpan voice emanating from one of SHIELD's finest agents. "Agent! How nice of you to join us! I was beginning to think that you weren't coming down from that mountain of yours."

Percy felt his eye twitch in irritation as he scowled, "It's Agent Jackson Stark, its not that hard to remember. And it's a glacier, not a mountain."

Tony shrugged, eyes never leaving the screen in front of him, "Big, tall thingy which is hard to climb? Definitely a mountain."

Percy scowled even more, deciding to ignore the billionaire genius, he turned to Bruce Banner, "Doctor", he said, nodding to him, "What's your conclusion?" Bruce nodded back, drawing his hand across the screen to pull up a series of readings. "Well, as far as I can tell, there are traces of gamma radiation in the atmosphere, which I suppose is what was sent here for-"

"But gamma radiation isn't the only surprising thing, it's the fact that the energy readings are somewhat similar to, well, New York."

Percy turned around to see Tony staring at him, a serious expression on his face, and that alarmed him more than any word that came out of his mouth because Tony Stark was never ever serious unless something drastic was about to happen. And judging from to uncomfortable weight that had settled in his stomach, he was not going to like this drastic event one bit.

He glanced from Bruce Banner to Tony Stark, "What do you mean by 'somewhat similar to New York'?" he hissed, "Is there another portal opening above us anytime soon?" The two scientists shared a look, Bruce clearing his throat awkwardly, "We don't think that a portal is going to open, at least, not one like New York-"

"But one could open nonetheless?" Percy demanded.

The bespectacled scientist looked uncomfortable, "Well, in theory. We're comparing the readings taken when the Tesseract opened the portal in the SHIELD base, and the one which opened in New York. The patterns of the energy spikes are similar, but this one isn't as high, it's more of a fluctuation of energy, but the readings are not in the high range."

"Yet." Percy stared at the two geniuses, " Its not in the high range yet. Right?"

"No it isn't," Tony agreed, "And we're trying to prevent it from climbing higher." He shifted over to another corner of the lab, tinkering with the objects on the table as he spoke, "I would be jumping like a kid on a sugar rush by now but even I don't wanna deal with another...incident. Like New York."He said, voice devoid of any emotion.

Percy chose not to comment on his tone, choosing instead to walk over to where the genus was tinkering with a device. "What are you making?" He asked. Tony glanced at him briefly, "This is the baby that will save us if a portal ever decides to open!" he grinned. Percy stared at him, contemplating the consequences of decking the billionaire before deciding it wasn't worth it. He turned to the other, saner scientist in the room. "Translation?" he asked. Bruce chuckled, "its sort of an EMP device."

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