Chapter 21

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As soon as he was out of the mortals' sight, Loki called upon his magic and disappeared, reappearing in his room. He scowled, realizing that even though they had forgotten to bind his magic, his oath to the Norns prevented him from escaping the heroes.

He refused to allow his brother to gain control of him. Instead, he focused on the anger, fueling it, letting it grow and consume him. He absently cast a sound-proof spell and screamed his rage. He was blind to everything around him, his eyes seeing only the disgusted look on his brother's face. Only hearing the words hurled at him.

He snarled and gripped his head tightly, the nails digging into the flesh as he squeezed his eyes shut. There was no reason for him to feel this way, not when he'd severed the ties between the both of them. Hadn't he wanted Thor to hate him? To kill him? Why then did it hurt so much when he finally admitted it?

He hissed under his breath, curling up into a ball against the wall, he didn't know why it hurt so much when Thor had said that. He'd been hearing such insults since he was old enough to learn seidr, Sif had made it no secret that she hated him, even after everything he'd done for their group. Everyone hated him, he should have been used to such insults, so why – why – was it that when Thor said it, it was so much different?

He screamed, sentiment – get out – I don't need this – I cut the ties – whywhywhywhy? I was right – hypocrite – I hate youIhateyouIhateyou –

He felt the burning sensation behind his eyes, why do I have to be right all the time? He felt a pressure on his shoulder, and he snapped, twisting away from the person's grip. He snarled and hurled his magic at the other, not even seeing who it was he was attacking. He snarled and flung spell after spell after spell.

He felt the person grab him from behind and after a disorienting moment, he plunged into ice cold water. The cold shocked him and reminded him of his Jotun heritage, reinforcing everything that his brother – no, Thor – had said about him being a monster. He screamed, the air leaving him as he shot upwards, his magic swirling around him. He broke the surface of the water and flung a bolt of magic at his attacker, his eyes glowing with power and anger. His magic flared outwards from him, reflecting his inner turmoil and anger.

Loki snarled and screamed, conjuring up daggers and spells and anything he could think of, releasing his anger and frustration outwards. He twisted away from half-hearted attacks and he screamed in frustration, "Fight me with your true power you coward! Why are you hiding?"

"I'm not."

He spun around and his vision was filled with white as a blast of energy slammed into him, sending him skidding over the ice – wait, ice?

He blinked several times, feeling the cool temperature beneath him. He swallowed, a wave of exhaustion crashing over him. He gasped for air, collapsing on the ice. The trickster god looked up from where he lay sprawled out on the ground, seeing a stretch of ice spread out on the ocean. He looked up and saw Percy standing several feet away from him, looking equally tired even as he held a – was that a trident? – Loosely in his right arm, the pointed tip angled towards the ground.

Percy gave him a tired smile as he panted, "Please tell me you're done. Cause I don't think I can repeat that."

Loki swallowed, "What – what happened? What was that?"

Percy sighed in relief, twirling the trident absently but remaining where he was, "I found you in your room after the meeting, you were curled up against the wall. I wanted to see if you were – well – okay, but the moment I touched you, well, you lashed out. And it set you off I think."

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