Chapter 6

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Sophie buried her face in Keefe's cloak as she dug her fingers harder into its thick fabric.

"Keeeeeeeefe stooooooooooooop," She groaned, "Put me doooooown."

She didn't lift her head but she felts Keefe's back vibrate as he laughed.

"KEEFE THAT TICKLES STOP LAUGHING," He continued to laugh harder. "I MEAN IT KEEFE....." As he laughed harder Sophie began to laugh as well, and even she had to begrudgingly admit it felt nice. Then Sophie noticed something, Keefe wasn't moving.....

"Uh Keefe? You ok there...?" Sophie asked as she lifted her head and peered at there surroundings. She saw the ocean, the sky, and.... A drop off of the cliff they were standing on, a drop that went




Keefe turned his head so he was facing her, flashed a huge grin, tightened his grip on her legs, and jumped before Sophie could scream.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," it took a second for Sophie to realise she was the one yelling and another second to shut her mouth.

"Oh Foster you shoulda seen the look on your face when you realised I was gonna....." He trailed off as he chuckled, probably picturing her face.

"So.... are you going to teleport cuz the grounds not getting any further away..." He waved a hand in front of her face, "Uh hullo? Earth to Foster?!" Sophie just stared at him blankly.

"Ok, ha ha you got me. No more games let's just teleport....Sophie?!? Is something wrong?" Sophie continued to stare blankly at him. The ground was only 20 feet away and with each passing second they dropped some more.

"Sophie....." Keefes' voice was edged with panic,


Sophie just looked at him and smiled as the ground split open underneath them and they were swallowed whole by it with a clap of thunder.

OKIE SOOOOO, if ya didn't know I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MAKING FAN ART!!! Maybe adding in some soon...?



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