Chapter 28

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"Woah girl!" Sophie called trying to calm her down as she transmitted images of relaxation to the alicorns mind. It was no use, the baby kept bucking and whining.

Sophie heard someone run up behind her, she turned as Keefe placed one hand on her shoulder and braced the other against his stomach has bent over panting, 

"Is everything *gasp* ok? *weez*" Then he looked up, "Oh, my, gosh...." He trailed off and the world went silent.

That's when Sophie realized, "Keefe, she's quiet!!" and that was here mistake

Suddenly all the alicorn seemed to say was KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE! Each Keefe punctuated with an exclamation point.

Keefe noticed Sophie rubbing her temples, "You ok?"

"Yeah. Just her voice is pretty loud."

He smirked, "What's she saying?"

"You don't want to know."

The baby paused only for a moment, only to start a second later,


That's when it dawned on her. This wasn't just any alicorn. It was Silvany and Greyfell's kid, "Keefe they're in trouble."

"Who is?" he started before realizing it too, "Oh no." He pulled out his path finder, twisted it, and light lept them all away.


The alicorn was surprisingly calm as they stood inside Oralie's pearl pink home.

"What exactly word for word did she say?"

Sophie sighed before repeating it for the hundredth time,

 "Keefe, Keefe, help, Keefe, Glitter Butt, trouble, glitter, Mom, Dad, Glitter Butt, Glitter Butt, glitter, glitter, Nikita, eyeball, scary, Glitter Butt, Keefe." Keefe had asked her repeatedly to tell him once he found out the baby had mentioned a few "Keefe's".

"On our way here we figured out a little bit," Keefe offered helpfully, "That Silvany and Greyfell are in trouble caused by the Neverseen ,and that she loves me more then Foster."

"She does NOT!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Has she said your name at least ONCE?"

Oralie rolled her eyes, "But what do you think Nikita means?"

The alicorn turned toward Oralie.

Sophie sighed, "We haven't really come up with a..."

"What she means is 'We don't have the foggiest idea.'" Keefe interrupted

"Maybe Nikita is a place?" Oralie pondered. The alicorn again turned to Oralie, this time Keefe noticed.

"Hey Foster, say 'Nikita',"


"Just do it," He pleaded.

Sophie frowned, "Nikita. There. What's supposed to happen?"

"Look," was Keefe's only reply.

Sophie looked around and spotted a pair of big brown eyes staring straight at her. And that's when she figured it out, "Her name's Nikita isn't it?"

Keefe just grinned smugly as Oralie gave him a nod of approval, "Guess what Foster, there's a new brainiac in town, and not only is he smart but he's got the best hair, got the ladies, and is ultra smokin hot."

"Well now that's all figured out we should focus on the problem at hand," Oralie started, "How do we save the alicorns?"

I feel like that was superrrrr cheesy...I didn't want to make ya'll wait any longer so I'm just gonna post this now!


Here are some sample covers I made for you!(there are 3)

-I put the original photo below so you could see a before and after(of some)

-Tell me if you want to use one

-Tell me if you like one but would like it a little bit different!

-Tell me if you like one but would like it a little bit different!

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