Chapter 22

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 This was a totally over due update!!! Enjoy!

"Foster you idiot!" Keefe sarcastically groaned.


"Do you know how much dye you just dumped in there?" Keefe raised one eyebrow.

Sophie peered back down into the bottle, the clear liquid had already soaked into the perley suds, "I don't know..."

"Let's hope he doesn't use that any time soon."

Sophie nodded, then followed Keefe as they tip toed back down the hall to Biana's room.

"Ok," Keefe said, "Biana's door squeaks loudly so we gotta be very careful."

To her it felt like they were in some sort of spy movie, sneaking around in the dark, causing trouble, and now standing in front of a tall dark door.

Keefe stretched his fingers, cracked his knuckles, wrung his hands, took a deep breath, grabbed the knob and..... Slowly turned it and opened the door like any normal person would have. He stepped aside extending an arm,

"Ladies first."

Sophie just brushed past him and carefully maneuvered around the sprawled limbs, before slipping into her own bed roll, and tucking herself in. Dex's arm was thrown close to her. Sophie scooted over and picked up his wrist to check the time on his DisneyLand watch.

"Holding Dex's hands are we now?" Keefe whispered in her ear.

Sophie started, jumped back, "Just checking the time goober."

"Goober? Never mind...That's all you were doing? You sure there's no secret love affair going on?"

She rolled her eyes even though she knew he couldn't see it, "Good night."

Keefe started to make kissy noises

Sophie just rolled over and faced him flicking his nose, "Good. Night." She flipped back over so her back was to him.

She tossed and turned for awhile before getting comfortable as she wrapped her arms around a pillow. And Sophie, as she drifted off to sleep, to tired to move, she swore she heard something. It was so quiet it could have been someone else's breathing and her imagination, but it felt so close to her...

"Sweet dreams Foster." 

FINALLY WINTER BREAK!! The teachers at my school were just trying to cram so much into our brains before the break. I'm talking pop quizzes, tests, reports, essays, etc SO  MUCH HOMEWORK AND STUDYING.(Sorry rambling) now that that's over I'll probably be able to update more(at least once a week)


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