Chapter 22

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Hi yes I am still crying about yesterday's supernatural episode fIGHT ME I DARE YA

Also I just finished reading diary of an oxygen thief and HOLY SHIT WAS IT GOOD


Evan was already at the door when Jonathan got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Evan, wait! Let's talk-"

"No." Evan's voice wavered a bit, but the emotion was still clear. "I don't want to talk, I don't want to do this again. I'm sick of it."

"I know, but it was a mist-"

"You call bringing someone home when you're practically sober a mistake? Shit, I would hate to see what you do on purpose. Oh wait, I already have." Bitter tears formed in his eyes as he spun around to face the human.

Jonathan took a step back, Evan's eyes were still black, although they looked slightly red, but he needed to do this.

"I know I fucked up, but-"

"No, no buts this time, Jonathan. I'm done, we're done. I don't want to keep fixing something that I know won't work."

"It can work, Ev! I should've listened to you, we should've-" Jonathan took a few steps forward as Evan cut him off.

"We should've done a lot of things, Jon. This is one of them."

"Evan, please." Jonathan's voice wavered as he looked at the hybrid pleadingly. "Don't do this."

"I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I'm breaking up with you."

"No, please, Evan let's try again. Third times the charm..."

"Do I have to spell it out for you? We're done, over, kaput, we pulled an MCR, deal with it!" His eyes flashed red as he spun around and stormed out of the house.

When he slammed the door, Jonathan could've swore he felt the house shake. Fear raced through his veins as blood still seeped from his nose.


He was beginning to feel light headed as he sat at the kitchen table waiting nervously for the guys. Holding a tissue to his nose, he closed his eyes as he thought about what had happened.

To be honest, he was mad at himself for not trying harder to keep Evan here.

Because the fight had ended bad, like really bad, and he knew that this time it was really over. Evan would probably never talk to him again, never look at him again, he might even find new friends just to stay as far away from him as he could.

Jonathan had known the party was a mistake, he knew it, but he couldn't resist, he wanted to have fun, and he did, but now the reality set in, there was no fun, only pain and suffering.

He now understood Evan's hatred for parties. The loud noises, the drinking, the temptation of sin coming at you left and right, it was truly awful.

It only took him ruining a relationship twice to figure that out.


The farther away Evan walked, the less angry he seemed, if anything, he felt anxious instead.

Anxiety built up in chest, while tiredness and fatigue slowed his movements, all while his eyes darted in every direction in pure paranoia.

Being him was constant torture, simple as that.

After dragging his feet for a few blocks, he finally decided he was too hungry and tired to keep going. He walked into a cafe.

"Hi! How can I help you?" The guy at the counter was cheerful and had a great smile, Evan gave him a small smile in return.

"Hi, um, can I just have the strongest thing you have? And a breakfast sandwich?" His voice sounded quiet, and he cursed himself for it, he was just so nervous. Falling into old habits was such as easy thing these days...

The guy didn't mind. "Sure thing! Anything else?" Evan shook his head. "Alright then, your total is $10.77."

Evan paid, then went over and slumped into the most isolated seat possible, completely miserable. His heart ached, and his numb feeling from the day before was returning.

Luckily, he didn't have to wait long for his food- which consisted of some type of coffee and a sandwich- and thanked the guy who had taken his order as he brought it over with yet another smile.

As soon as the guy had returned to the register, Evan sighed and took a sip of the drink, pulling out his phone.

Evan: Craig, I'm fine, don't worry

He shut off the phone, not wanting to read any response his brother had, he had enough to worry about at the moment.

It took a good while, but Evan finally finished his food, pushing it in front of him as he rested his elbow on the table, cradling his head in his palm.

Closing his eyes, he let out a sigh of relief, letting himself relax for the first time in days.

He didn't realize he could take a breakup so easily, it was like he had lifted a weight off his shoulder, he felt free.

Evan didn't even know he had fallen asleep until he was being shaken awake by a stranger.

He jerked his head forward in alarm, causing the man in front of him to jump back in alarm.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, my friend over there just thought you were cute and I found it kind of creepy since you were sleeping." He pointed over to where another guy was sitting by the window, shyly sipping an iced coffee.

Evan opened his mouth to reply when his phone buzzed, it was just Craig asking him to come home, but he ignored it for a second as he grabbed a napkin and a pen which was in his pocket for some reason.

Scribbling his number onto it, he handed it to the guy. "Sorry, I have to go, but this is my number and he can call or text whenever." With a nod, Evan stood up and left, smiling at the boy as he walked past.

Even though it still hurts like absolute hell, he was going to make sure that Jonathan knew he didn't need him to survive.

This time he was gonna make sure he suffers like he did last time.

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