Chapter 29

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Happy Halloween!


It was a bad idea, it was a really, really bad idea, Evan knew that, everyone knew that. Yet, he still wanted to do it, he needed to know, he needed to know.

Would he be this messed up if he went back to Hell? Would he still be the way he always is with Scott? With Craig? With his friends? Would all these memories just disappear to the back of his head again, like they used to? Could he just go back to being the person he really wanted to be?

He wanted to know, he really did, he needed it.

But, like nearly everything else he needed, he just couldn't have it.


"Can't this wait until he's at school? What if he hears us?" I heard my mom say outside my door as I was trying to go to sleep. I let out a small groan and turned over, hugging a black blanket close to me. They allowed me a few luxuries, at least.

"No, it needs to happen now. Because the longer we wait, the less time we have to get him on our side. What good is he as an angel if he doesn't support our cause?" That was my dad talking. Honestly, I think I liked him better when he was drunk, he cared a little more.

I'm doing it again, thinking about my parents, what they did, what exactly happened all those years ago. I thought I was done, that the memories were stored in a place I could never find them. They weren't, because they're back and they're as fresh as the day they were made.

"We can't tell him our plans before he's an angel, you know we can't." My mom was pleading.

"We have to, he's already defiant, but if he sees the good we're going to do once he's an angel, he'll join us, I know he will." My dad said, hope in his voice.

They just want another soldier to fight their war so they don't have to. I'm not a soldier, this isn't the draft.

"No, he is very adamant that Hell is his home, if we tell him that we have plans to destroy it-" I screamed, pretending I was having a nightmare, I couldn't keep listening to this, I couldn't.

I whimpered, shutting my eyes and thrashing about in my bed, I started breathing rapidly as I heard the doorknob begin to twist. Crying and screaming, I sounded pretty believable.

They shook me, and I pretended to wake with a jolt, looking at them in false fear and backing up against the wall. Remembering, they took a step back.

"Evan, sweetie, it's okay, it was just a bad dream. It was probably that blanket, it's bringing darkness into your room." No matter what I did, how scared- or pretend scared- or how any emotion I was feeling, they blamed it on my demon half. Never the angel. They were too pure.

I glared. "How many damn times do I have to tell you I'm not affected by colors, just by white, black is not what's causing all this, it's you. It has always been you. No matter what you do, I won't forgive you for ruining my life." I snarled, wrapping the blanket around me and laying back down.

They sighed, shuffling out of the room, while I stayed there, not even trying to go back to sleep.

I have been in Heaven for three and a half years, yet my insomnia starts now.


Evan was happily jumping around as soon as they exited the movies, still talking about the film as if they hadn't seen it.

"That was amazing! Although, I don't know why people would be scared by it, it's just a clown that wants to eat your children." He said, now holding Scott's hand as he began to discuss theories and such.

This was the Evan that Craig missed, the one that got so excited to see horror movies and still be excited after it was over, discussing the details and trying to figure out how people thought it was scary.

"I didn't know you liked horror movies so much." Scott said, laughing at Evan's behavior.

Just as Evan's excitement reached its peaked, he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand as he swayed for a few seconds. "I'm tired." He let out another yawn. "And hungry."

Craig looked at Evan with a concerned expression, those were two things he had been complaining about a lot lately, it was alarming to him.

"Well, why don't we go get some food, then I can take you home and you can take a nap?" Scott said, pulling the hybrid in for a kiss, Craig's concern disappeared for a while, seeing how great of a relationship Evan was in.

"I'm down." Tyler said, pecking Craig's cheek.


Evan was hungry, that much was clear, but as soon as Scott brought over the food and placed it in front of him, he couldn't bring himself to eat it. The thought of food was pleasant, but eating it? It made him sick.

Still, he ate it, talking a lot in between bites- even convincing Scott to do the French fry walrus thing again- just so he could avoid the food. But it wasn't suspicious, because everyone was laughing too much to focus on the food anyway.

"Hey," Scott whispered into his ear while Craig and Tyler were wrapped up in their own conversation. "Is something wrong? You said you were hungry, yet you barely touched your food."

"I'm fine." Evan insisted, now forcing himself to take a bite of his food. After he had swallowed, he sighed quietly. "I'm just, tired. I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep."

Scott understood, because he didn't ask anymore questions, instead wrapping an arm around Evan's shoulders as they continued to eat in comfortable silence while the two in front of them were still engrossed in their conversation.

Yeah, it was definitely a bad idea.

Running From Heaven (H2OVanoss) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now