Chapter 52

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Last chapter guys :)


Tyler held him. He didn't know what else to do besides hold him. Smitty was speechless, a giant lump in his throat.

They were too late.

It had been a slow, torturous half hour after the doctor had finally let Craig into Evan's room. He was so quick to go inside that he didn't hear the doctor when he said that he might not make it.

Craig watched how painfully slow his heart rate was, he watched the green line make smaller and smaller spikes as he held onto Evan's hand. He sat next to his brother as he fought for his last breaths.

"It's okay." He said as the small, spiked outlines of Evan's heartbeat flattened into a single line. The demon let himself cry after he heard the long, continuous beep that signified he was dead. It's sound tortured him. He let it happen.

After everything, Evan was finally at peace, Craig should be happy for him. He should be glad that Evan doesn't have to suffer anymore.

Instead, the only thought that plagues the demon's head is how his brother never got revenge for Scott.

After everything he did, Jonathan still got to live on, despite the terrible things he did, he was still Craig's assignment. Craig still had to protect him.

Even if he killed the boy that his brother had fallen in love with. Even if he hurt his brother more times than he could count, even if he was just a major fuck up that never-

Craig forces himself to calm down, focusing on the terribly long, never ending beep that he had to endure until his cries became so loud that both Tyler and the doctor had rushed in.

"Craig, babe, it's okay. He's okay, he's in a better place now, he's with Scott now." Tyler says, thinking of something to tell Craig to get him to calm down. What do you tell someone who has watched as the world ripped his brother away from him twice? "He's with Scott now, Craig, he's okay."

More tears fell from the demon's eyes as he thought of the dead couple, they both should have lived. Neither of them had to die. Neither of them should have died.

Maybe if a certain human hadn't shot Scott, Evan would be alive. They both would be.

Jonathan felt guilty as he looked at the way Craig had broken down in the middle of the hospital without a single care. The human had bandages wrapped around his head, where there would definitely be scars since Evan had hit his head pretty hard. He had a concussion and a few bruised ribs, surprisingly, his lip split from the first punch Evan had thrown at him.


"Jonathan, I want you to kill Scott for me. I know I may sound like a mad man with a death wish, but trust me. Get Scott alone, shoot him, and I promise you that although you may feel like you are going to die, you won't." The Angel promised him, Jonathan nodded his head.


Evan had been so angry, Jonathan had never seen him like that in all the while he had known the boy. But when Evan found out that he killed Scott, and Jonathan felt that first punch, he realized that there was a reason Evan was feared by the angels and demons. There was a reason Angels wanted him to be on their side.

Now, he was dead.


Tyler let out a sigh of relief as he finally put Craig to sleep, after hours of him crying over Evan, he had finally fell asleep in their bed, buried underneath his favorite blankets. He pet Craig's soft hair as he softly snored, Tyler knowing he was only in a light sleep.

"It's okay Craig, it's okay." It had taken two hours to get Craig home, and he had been crying ever since. The guys didn't complain, they didn't know how hard it was for Craig, especially since it was the second time he had lost Evan.

No one felt it more than the demon, whose second chance at being a better brother had been ripped out from underneath.

Jonathan had tried to apologize, but all his attempts ended with Craig glaring at him, silently blaming him for all that had gone wrong.

Unfortunately, his sleep was not dreamless that night.

Craig looked around the blue-gray world he had awoken in, it seemed like a place he had been told about before, but he seemed unsure. There were faded lights in the distance and a forest a few feet away from him. He felt displaced, like he was caught between two worlds.

"Hey, Craig." The voice made him snap his head around so fast he feared that he would break it. What he saw brought him to tears.


He ran towards his brother, wrapping his arms around him in a hug and getting one in return. Craig realizes how much Evan had changed since they first got to Earth, how much he's developed as a person. "I miss you so much, Evan."

"I know you do." Evan sighs, petting his hair and hugging him. "But Earth needs you, Craig. I'm here to give you closure."

Craig shakes his head, tears wetting Evan's shirt. "No, no I don't want closure. I want you back, I'm sorry for being a terrible brother, just please come home-"

"You were a great brother, Craig. My death had nothing to do with you, okay? Besides, being here in purgatory is quite nice."

"Is that where we are?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"It seems boring." Craig sniffles, removing himself from Evan's embrace. "I'm sorry that you're stuck here." He studies Evan's face, knowing that this is the last time he'll be seeing him for a while.

"It's fine, Craig. Purgatory is, peaceful. Nothing to really worry about anymore, and besides," he smiles, "living here certainly has its perks. For instance, I know the destinies of all the people who were close to me. I can tell you all this, because you won't remember it when you wake up."

A question burns in his mind, the desire for revenge burning strongly.

"What happens to Jonathan?" Craig looks at Evan with a serious look. "How does he die?"

Evan smiles. "I'd tell you who kills him, but isn't that a bit unfair?"

"I don't care, I won't remember this when I wake up, I have to know." Craig pleads. "Who kills him?"


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