Chapter 24

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It wasn't a surprise that Evan left, but it was a surprise that no one knew until four days later, on Christmas Day.

Ironically, it was Tyler who discovered it.

Everyone had been downstairs, except Evan of course, and Tyler thought it was wrong. It would be his first real Christmas, he should have been there with them.

He slipped away upstairs while everyone was talking and opening gifts, and quietly knocked on Evan's closed door.

"Ev? Want to come downstairs? You don't really want to spend your first Christmas with us shut inside your room, do you?" No answer, Tyler expected that. He tried again. "Evan?"

He tried the door, surprised to find it unlocked, he called the boy's name again. "Evan..."

His muscles tensed, his heart stopped beating, and his body went cold once he looked inside.

Evan wasn't there, but the bed was made and a slip of paper was placed right on top of the sheets. Tyler walked towards it without thinking.

There was only two things written on the paper, a date- four days ago, which must have been when he left- and the word 'goodbye'. Tyler couldn't figure out how to breathe, something was stuck in his throat, it was probably guilt.

He went downstairs without thinking about it, and he must have looked normal because no one looked at him differently once he reached the living room.

"Babe, there you are!" Craig said, patting the seat next to him. "C'mon, you have to open your presents!"

"Evan's missing." Tyler said it automatically, feeling relieved as soon as the words left his mouth.

Craig was taken off guard. "What do you mean he's missing?"

"I don't know where he is, but he's not here." He held out his arm to Craig, the note clutched in his hand.

Instantly, the demon's face fell, and he swore under his breath in a language that was unknown to the others.

"Latin." Craig explained quickly, earning impressed nods from everyone as he swore a few more times.

"Wait, he's actually gone?" Jonathan spoke up, guilt running through him as he realized what Tyler had said.

"Well, we have to find him-" Brock was cut off by Craig.

"We won't. We can search the entire city and not find him, because he's not here." Craig said, still staring at the note as their last conversation went through his head.

"Oh, so you know where he is?" Marcel asked, looking at Craig curiously.

The demon nodded, standing up and shoving the note into his pocket while running a hand through his hair.

"Okay, I have an idea."


He didn't mean to stay in town for a couple days, but lucky him finally got a text message.

???: hey idk if you remember me but I'm the guy who sent my friend to get your number?

Evan: ah yes the coffee shop guy who was watching me sleep

???: that's the one! I'm Scott by the way :p

Evan: first of all, your emoticon offends me, second of all, hi nice to meet u I'm Evan

Scott: who uses the word 'emoticon' u weirdo

Evan: do I need to bring up the fact u were literally watching me sleep

Scott: it was a public place!! That doesn't count!

Evan: whatever, what r u doing

Scott: finishing up some Christmas shopping but I remembered I had ur number and decided I should get to know you, hbu

Evan: wandering the streets

Scott: well that's not ominous at all

Evan: not really, I usually do this when I'm avoiding my friends and/or brother

Scott: y r u avoiding them

Evan: I don't want to ruin their holiday

Scott: sounds like ur having a bad day, why don't you meet me at the mall and I'll buy u a donut

Evan: this may be a bad time to say idk where the mall is

Scott: what??? How long have you been in town??

Evan: totally not three weeks...

Scott: omg I need to take you everywhere when do u leave

Evan: idk, my living situation isn't very stable and I was planning on leaving town for a couple days and coming back the day after Christmas

Scott: bullshit, you're spending it with me meet me at the park in the center of town

Evan: damn ur pushy

Scott: and ur negative, come on it'll be fun

Evan hesitated with his response, he was only a few minutes from the park, but once again he was standing in his own way. He did only just break up with Jonathan....

Come on, he told himself, it's time to finally move on. He's not worth it.

Evan: I'll be there in a few

Scott: oh hell yeah


"What makes you so sure he went back to Hell?" Jonathan asked Craig, who was pacing back and forth as he thought of a way to sneak everyone into Hell.

He stopped, glaring at the human with hatred and anger, a deadly combination. "I just do, okay?"

"Oh, was it because of that fight you guys had when Jonathan went to the hospital?" Brock said, raising his hand as if he was in kindergarten. He got a glare from the demon too.

"Fine, if you want the answer that badly then yes, okay? It's my fault! I was trying to help him and he was just being his negative self and I don't know what exactly happened but I essentially told him to go to hell, okay? Is that what you wanted out of me?" He snapped, throwing dirty looks at everyone.

"Come on." Craig said, going back to pacing. "We are going to work out a plan."

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