Chapter 30

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New Years had come and gone, Evan had finally managed to unpack all of the boxes, he even painted the walls and bought some furniture.

Finally, he had created a place to call home.


Spring break was a few weeks away, Evan knew that because Craig had texted him saying that the guys were coming to hang out again. Surprisingly, the hybrid was nervous to see his friends again.

Something's going to go wrong, Evan said to himself as soon as Craig had texted him, so, so wrong.

Still, he looked forward to it.


Trouble came rolling in right in the middle of the day, it was innocent, like most things seem at first.

Scott was driving back to the city after being out of town for a few days, visiting family, while Evan stayed mostly in his apartment, searching for jobs. He realized he needed to at least try to move past everything, he needed a little bit of normal.

His laptop was perched on his knees, facing down on him as he scrolled through website after website. Rubbing his eyes with a yawn, he stood up as he heard his doorbell ring.

He hadn't slept in three days.

"Hello." Evan said, being taken off guard as he saw Jonathan standing in front of him. "Are you trying to pull a me?"

Jonathan got closer to him. "I don't know, Ev, am I? Have I been dead for four years?" His voice was bitter.

"Are you here to ridicule me, win me back, or rub a new significant other in my face?" Evan's voice was flat and bored, leaning against the doorframe.

"Where's your boyfriend, angel?" Jonathan pushed Evan, causing him to stumble backward a few steps.

"Why do you even care?" Evan didn't want to do this right now, but Jonathan really knew how to get on his nerves.

"Because I want to make sure there's no witnesses when I do this." Jonathan grabbed Evan and kissed him, knowing that the hybrid hadn't been sleeping- he could see it in his eyes- so he used Evan's tiredness to his advantage.

Somehow, Jonathan had closed the door behind them, while Evan weakly pushed at him.

When Jonathan pulled away, he gave the boy a slight push, causing him to stumble as he struggled with a head rush.

"The fuck was that for?" Evan asked, kneeling on the ground while holding his head, his eyes shut.

"You-you didn't kiss back." Jonathan was dumb-founded, he didn't expect Evan to not kiss him back. Anger surged through his veins, causing him to grab Evan and push him against the nearest object he could. "Why didn't you kiss back?"

Evan was seeing double for a couple of seconds, is this what it felt like when he did this?

"What do you mean? I didn't kiss back because I'm over you!" Evan shouted, wincing from the small headache that was forming. He tried to swallow the panic attack that was also forming.

Anger spread throughout Jonathan for a split second, and he hadn't realized he had lifted his fist with the intent to punch Evan until he heard a whimper come from the hybrid. He looked at him, noticing he was shaking and his eyes were screwed shut, his breathing fast and choppy.

Jonathan dropped his hand immediately, guilt building in his chest as he let Evan crumple to the floor, still shaking.

"Ev, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He crouched down, getting closer to Evan only to have him shrink away from him with another small whimper.

He reached out his hand, to which Evan produced a small cry.

"Please stop." Was all that the hybrid could say in between strangled breaths. "Please stop."

Jonathan knew he should leave, but he couldn't just leave Evan like that, not even knowing when Scott could come take care of him. The boy was begging to be held.

But, he doesn't want you to hold him. The thought hit Jonathan like a train as he stood up, backing away from the hybrid, who was still having a panic attack. The realization that Evan really was over him washed over him at full force.

He wants Scott, just let Scott help him. He didn't want to believe it, but he had to.

So, he left, hoping that Scott would get home soon.


Scott walked through the door about thirty minutes later, and immediately ran over to where Evan was still shaking on the ground.

"Babe, it's okay, I'm right here, it's okay. Look at me? Come on, look at me, that's it, just breathe. In, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Hold, 1, 2, 3, 4. Out, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Keep doing that, okay? It's gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine. I'm here, I'm right here."

As he calmed down, Evan wrapped his arms around Scott as tightly as he could, which was pretty tight despite his lack of sleep.

Without even realizing it, he had began to cry, and Scott just comforted him silently, holding him against him as they both sat on the floor.

Tell him what happened, Evan told himself, he needs to know now before things get worse. Don't pull a Jonathan here, Ev.

Evan knew it was the right thing to do, but a part of him was so scared that he was going to mess it up. He didn't want to mess it up, messing it up was the last thing on his agenda.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Scott mumbled through Evan's hair, still holding onto him tightly.

He was about to shake his head, but he couldn't, he just couldn't. Evan wasn't capable of lying to someone who had been so nice to him. He couldn't do it.

So, he told him, everything. The words just fell out of his mouth while tears drained from his eyes. Scott just listened, keeping his arms around him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Scott. Sorry, sorry, sor-" Scott cut him off with a kiss.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't invite him over, did you?" Evan shook his head. "So, it wasn't your fault. I believe you, babe, don't worry. You have nothing to be sorry about, okay?" Evan nodded, his face still buried in Scott's chest.

You're not like him, Evan said to himself, you're not like Jonathan.

Somehow, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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