Chapter 31

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"I'm so excited to meet your friends! I really hope they like me." Scott said, keeping his eyes focused on the stoplight.

Evan smiled, also watching the stoplight and the intersection in case something unexpected happened. "Don't worry, they'll love you."

"Not as much as I love you." Scott said, sneaking a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Aw, I love you too, babe." Evan said, forcing his breath to stay even as he said those words. They were true, but they also scared him when he thought of what had happened with the last person he had told those words too.

It's hard to believe that Jonathan made him this fucked up.

Scott didn't know much about Jonathan, just that he was Evan's ex and he was still struggling to come to terms with a few things that had happened. Other than that, Evan had thought they had a good relationship, still. Until a few days ago, that is. But Scott knew that Evan won't say a word about it to his friends unless he's angry or Jonathan says something first, and he was okay with that.

All Scott really wanted was to watch Evan be happy with his friends, and hopefully get their approval. He Craig and Tyler liked him, but although they were the ones he would see most often, he still needed the others to like him.

Evan reached his hand over and grabbed Scott's, squeezing it for support, Scott squeezed back.

"Take a left here." Evan said, remembering the street name. "It should be that gray one." He pointed to a gray house with a couple cars parked in front of it.

Scott nodded, letting go of Evan's hand so he could park. "I'm nervous." He confessed as he switched it from reverse into park.

Evan opened the car door when his boyfriend did. "Don't be, they're great."

"I hope so." Scott mumbled, grabbing Evan's hand again as they reached the driveway.

The hybrid turned to him, smiling and planting a kiss on his cheek as they rang the doorbell. "You worry too much." He ruffled his hair as the door opened.

"Hey, Ev. Hey, Scott." Craig said, fist bumping his brother and shaking Scott's hand. "Everyone else is already here." He turned to Scott. "They're really excited to meet you."

"He's really excited to meet them." Evan said, holding Scott's hand tight and dragging him inside behind him.

Everyone was already staring at the couple when they walked in, immediately Evan froze, fear of doing something wrong already filled his stomach and tried to control his thoughts.

"It's fine." Scott whispered to him, kissing his cheek while everyone else walked over to them, realizing that staring was freaking Evan out.

"Nice to meet you! It's Scott, right? We've heard a lot about you!" Brock smiled, gripping Scott's hand and shaking it furiously. "I'm Brock."

"You're also a mental patient." Evan growled under his breath, hoping that they wouldn't scare Scott too badly.

Luckily, everyone's introduction was equally crazy, which wasn't that bad since Evan thought they would get progressively worse.

Jonathan didn't introduce himself, he stayed on the couch with his phone, barely looking up as he reached his hand out and said. "Jonathan."

It was rude, but Scott didn't say anything. Instead, Marcel did.

"Don't mind him, he's just jealous." Marcel smirked as he sat next to Jonathan, who was regretting picking the couch that could seat three people.

"Am not." Jonathan countered back quietly as everyone else jumped into conversation. His eyes briefly met with Evan, who was silent since everyone was mostly talking to Scott. He jerked his head to the other room, trying to signal that he wanted to talk.

Fear flashed through Evan's eyes as he shook his head, Jonathan felt guilty. He didn't mean to scare Evan the other day, he was just so, raw with emotions and then he kissed him and just always expected Evan would kiss back. He had always kissed back, every time.

Jonathan didn't get the chance to try to convince Evan because Craig came over and whispered something to him, getting him out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Hey, so be honest with me, did something happen with you and Jonathan recently?" Craig asked once they were in the kitchen.

Evan forced his frozen limbs to move, his collapsing lungs to breathe, and his wavering voice to balance as he said. "No, nothing happened." He would not break, he would not break.

"I just said be honest with me, Ev." Craig was trying to help, he really was. It couldn't be easy for Evan as it was, and Jonathan was just making it so much more difficult.

"I am! Nothing happened!" Evan was persistent with his lies, he nearly believed them himself, if he hadn't told Scott.

"Really? Then why did Jonathan look at you like he was guilty of something?"

"He's always guilty of something! Do you even know how our relationship ended?"

"He wanted to talk to you in another room."

"So did you!"

"And who did you go with?"

Evan was furious, furious that Craig had trapped him with his words. But, he refused to admit it. He stormed out of the kitchen, where it appeared everyone was waiting for them.

Scott was standing as soon as he saw the anger in his boyfriend's eyes.

"We're leaving." Evan stated, surprised at how quickly Scott had joined him at the door.

Without a word, they were gone.


"Craig is just so annoying sometimes! Ugh, I hate how he's always right, even when I don't want him to be." Evan said, leaning his head back against the car seat, buckling his seatbelt.

Scott did the same, fishing the keys out of his pocket as well.

"That's family for you. Why don't you just relax? Take a nap or something, we can go get ice cream even." He knew Evan was stressed, it was a common trait he had. There was always something to stress about.

I can't relax, I'm a hybrid who's trying not to get kidnapped by angels. Evan thought to himself with a sigh, shutting his eyes. "Ice cream is fine." He spoke as Scott began to move the car.

Evan was falling asleep, he didn't mean to, it just happened, like most of his life. Right before he did, though, he said something. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Scot spoke softly to try to lull him to sleep.

"For ruining things, like I always do." Evan yawned, his voice sleepy.

Scott grabbed his hand and kissed it. "You didn't ruin anything, babe. You're amazing, okay? I love you."

Evan let out another yawn. "I love you, too, Scott." A few seconds later, he was asleep.

Ten minutes later, they were at a stop light. Evan was still asleep with Scott stealing glances at him every chance he could.

The light turned red as soon as they reached the light, and that was when Scott heard mumbling come from Evan.

"Stop....stop....Scott....stop!" Evan cried out in his sleep, to which Scott immediately ran a hand through his hair, shushing him with comforting words.

"Hey, I'm right here, okay? It's okay, Evan, it's okay, I'm right here. It's okay. I love you." Once Evan had calmed down, Scott grabbed his hand. Evan squeezed it lightly in his sleep, Scott returned the gesture.

The light turned green, that was all Scott remembered.

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