Chapter 26

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The next few days were quiet, which was very unusual, and finally the guys wanted to question Evan about who this 'Scott' was. Nothing had ever made Evan be like this, nothing.

Honestly, Craig could tell it was wearing off though, Evan had snapped at him a few more times, but it was still a good time to question him.

The demon caught him just as he was about to leave, his eyes glued to his phone as he excited typed away on it.

"Evan." Craig called, catching his brother's attention easily. "Where are your going?"

Evan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, the hand he was holding his phone with dropped to his side. "Oh, I, um, have a date, with, uh, Scott." He sounded so awkward, and his eyes were anywhere but meeting Craig's.

Craig understood immediately why Evan hadn't told anyone about Scott, it was obvious now.

Realizing he had been standing there next to the hybrid awkwardly for a few minutes, he nodded quickly.

"Oh, have fun, don't get into trouble." He said, smiling to show Evan that it was okay. He took the message.

"I'm always trouble." He joked as he walked out the door.


"Guys, shut up, I'm not telling you anything." Craig insisted as his friends pressed around him, begging to tell them what he knew. "It's not my business to tell."

"You two are brothers, it's automatically your business." Marcel said, rolling his eyes.

"I know a lot about Evan, but that doesn't mean I get to choose who should know about it. It's his life, his decisions." Craig kept his arms crossed and pretended that he could see the TV screen through his friends' bodies.

They got the message, thankfully, and grumbled to themselves as they returned to their places on the couch.


Evan subconsciously knew what he was doing, in regards to Jonathan that is, he was fully aware that he was on a date with someone. He wasn't possessed.

He knew that Jonathan was already cursing himself for the things he had done, was already jealous that Evan had moved on. All of this was getting to him, and Evan surprisingly enjoyed it, it was great. Like watching a dog chase its tail, you feel bad for it, but you can't help but watch it.

It was very satisfying to watch someone who hurt you hurt the exact same way, feel your exact same pain. Because, that's what Evan was doing.

Immediately after he let Jonathan go, he found someone else, made it as clear as he could possibly make it, staying in the boundaries of his behavior, just like he had done to him.

You're not punished for your sins, you're punished by them.


Jonathan hated him, he hated him so much, but he was also proud. Because, he would admit it whole-heartedly, he was a jerk.

But, he hated him.

He hated that Evan was able to move on so quickly, especially after everything that happened last time. He thought Evan would be devastated, not absolutely fine and falling in love with someone else right in front of him.

He hated him.

It was sadistic, but he was hoping Evan would suffer, throw in a few bitter days, be angry and distant-even more so than usual- not happy, not smiling, not going on fucking dates not even a week later. He didn't need Craig to tell him, he already knew.

He hated him.

But, he knew when to back down, when to step back and bow. Evan outsmarted him this time, surprising, but true. He was proud, really, he had managed to create the same situation as last time, yet he somehow reversed it.

Had he mentioned he hated him?

Honestly, he was hoping he'd get a chance to hit whoever Evan was seeing like Evan had hit Luke back in high school. It looked like fun, Evan had enjoyed it.

But, Evan was also the one who got cheated on. Why was Jonathan complaining? Some part of him wasn't happy with Evan, that part of him took over and made him cheat on the guy, he was free. Evan dumped him, but why was he mad?

Because Evan wasn't wrapped around his finger this time? Because Evan topped what he had done four years ago? Because Evan was beating him at his own game?

Yeah, that was it, it had to be.

But you know what? He stilled loved him, with every fiber in his being, he loved him. His smile, his laugh, his hair, his eyes, his personality, just him, it was amazing, it truly was.

But, it wasn't his anymore.

Surprise, surprise, he hated it.


Evan wrapped his arms tightly around the human as they stood a few feet from Craig's house. "Scott, thank you so, so much for these past few days."

Scott hugged back, rubbing Evan's back comfortingly. "You said that already, Evan."

The hybrid sighed. "I know, but you really have no idea how much it means to me, Scott. I've been having a really shitty few days, probably a week by now, and you made it somewhat bearable. That takes some talent, knowing me."

They pulled away, looking into each other's eyes, the moonlight reflecting off of both of them. They smiled.

They also didn't notice the guys press their faces against the living room window to see what was happening, but Evan didn't think he'd care if he knew they were watching.

Because when Scott and his lips met, it was like nothing else had ever mattered.


Yeah, Jonathan thought to himself, he really hated him.

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