Chapter 1

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"While writing emails, you have to write the subject before actually finishing writing the thing itself, or else you'll forget to and send it anyway."

Frank fought the urge of saying he already knew that, thanks, Emilia. He just nodded with a smile and hoped she would move along, oh, but that wasn't happening. The woman was persistent.

"You can't mess this up, Frank." Emilia went on, "if you do, it's going to  be on me because I'm supposed to be the one who coached you and then—"

"I know," Frank groaned and Emilia actually stopped and gave him a look, he tried to smile and add much more politely, "I mean, I know that you're trying your hardest to teach me, and I truly appreciate that. But  really, you've been teaching me how to write emails and organize  everything for two weeks. I can handle it." Frank tried that with his biggest fake smile.

A moment passed and Frank almost thought that he wasn't convincing enough, until Emilia just rolled her eyes and sighed, "fine. Finish typing those emails and send them then come to my office so we can talk,"

Frank couldn't believe his ears and was actually about to give a real smile to the grumpy woman who was already on her way to her small office that was connected to the room Frank worked in, "put me as a BCC in those emails so I can check you wrote them correctly,"

Should've know. Frank almost said out loud as he went back to his computer, but that didn't matter anyway. He could take this. He was about to be over with this. For good.

The emails didn't take that long to fill. They were mostly standard correspondents with companies and Frank only had to fill in the templates for each just like he's been taught. Granted he never thought he'd get such a job after graduating high school, but it was better than being a waiter or frying chicken all day (seriously, he was a vegetarian for goodness' sake).

It was true that Frank was only nineteen (going on twenty in a couple of months), but he knew he wasn't a kid anymore, what happened in his life so far made that fact very clear. Still that wasn't too bad. At least, not now. He still didn't have a proper apartment or a job that didn't leave him struggling with money at the end of each month, but he still managed and that was about to at least change, he was going to get  a real job after weeks of training. It was all going to work out.


"Diana? I'm home!"

Frank called as he pushed open the door to the crappy tiny apartment. He threw his keys on the counter and smiled as he heard the little steps  coming from the direction of one of the two small rooms the place had. He turned and was greeted with a ball of arms and legs hugging him  fiercely.

"Frankie!" The little girl exclaimed as she hugged him. Frank smiled as she looked at him.

"Hey, little angel," Frank answered as he patted her hair and kissed her forehead, "I thought we said bed time at nine?"

"Then why did you call me?" Diana asked as she put her hand on her hips, the girl was the sassiest eight year old he's ever known.

"Because I knew you wouldn't be in bed." Frank answered a little too quickly, they've had this discussion way too many times. He sat her down, "did  you eat your dinner?" He asked, setting on the couch, and Diana nodded.

"I brought you something," he added that and Diana grinned as she sat in his lap.

"What?" She asked, too excited.

Frank grinned mischievously, "well, how about a kiss and I'll tell you?"

Diana picked him on the cheek too fast that Frank giggled when she leant back and looked at him like her eyes were saying: well?

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