Chapter 16

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A/N: sorry this is so late. My life hasn't been great lately and I've been extremely busy; I didn't have any free time except to sleep. I hope you enjoy.

Song is Dumb by Nirvana.

Gerard was waiting for him when he made it home.

Frank couldn't believe it's only been a few hours since what happened. He couldn't believe it's been only a few hours and all he could think of was Gerard, how soft his lips were when they kissed, the expression on his face when he saw him listening in on them in the living room, and Gerard, Gerard, Gerard.

He felt like he was possessed, or perhaps, which was more likely considering everything, he was just happy. He felt like that Nirvana song, he just felt giddy and light, like he could just fly if he jumped a little off the ground.

...I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy
I think I'm just happy...

He kept humming the words under his breath as he got off the subway and started making his way home.
He didn't think it was just his meeting with Mikey. Maybe partly it was, but his talk with Jamia and spending some time away put things into perspective. He loved the home he had at Gerard's.

He didn't forget about the dude in the living room talking about having feelings for Gerard, but Frank didn't care, because he had reached the conclusion that maybe Gerard had had a thing with that man, but he still chose to come to Frank. He still chose to confess his feelings for him. He still chose him.

The whole dating his boss thing still lingered in the back of his brain though as he made his way home. The thing was, though, everything just flew out of his head when he saw Gerard sitting out on the steps that led to the house main entrance. Seeing him sitting there drew a smile on his face but for only a moment, because when he was close enough, he could see him properly and he felt his chest clench.

He sat there on the steps that led to the door, his knees apart and his elbows resting on his thighs, his head was down, and as Frank made his way to him, he could see he was twisting his hands together.

Frank had texted him once Mikey left. He only said he was going to be home shortly and he wondered in that moment if Gerard's been waiting for him since then. If he had, he'd most likely been sitting there for more than forty-five minutes.

Frank felt his stomach twist as he made his way closer. Gerard still hasn't noticed him yet and he hesitated on the last few steps before walking over slowly, hands in his pockets.

"Hey," he greeted softly and Gerard looked up at him. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept at all the night before; his eyes were red and black circles formed under them. He looked ten years older than the smiling man Frank left at the door before the gig. Frank felt the guilt twist at his stomach.

"Hey," he replied and, in a moment, Gerard was on his feet. He looked like he wanted to do something else and Frank realized a second too late that he had meant to hug him but stopped himself. He stood there just a few feet away, unsure.

"You're home," Gerard said softly and so low that Frank almost didn't hear him.

Frank smiled, "I'm home,"

It seemed like Gerard hadn't expected that because he only stared at the younger man weirdly, before Frank decided it was ridiculous how much time they've spent not kissing and that they should, in fact, kiss. So he stepped forward and kissed Gerard's partly open lips lightly before moving back, amused at how Gerard's breath hitched and how his eyes closed on their own.

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