A/N and disclaimer

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Hello people that have somehow found this book while searching through the dephts of BTS fanfiction.

I would like to announce some things:

1. English is not my native language, I'll  definitely make mistakes, and I'd like for you to inform me about those. To improve my writing and language skills and to not constantly annoy the readers with all the obvious errors I made.

2. If you'd like for me to write a oneshot with a certain soulmate AU, please comment below on the latest oneshot I've posted.

3. These oneshots will be member x reader only, I won't make oneshots with an OC or your actual name. Out of experience, I've noticed that fanfictions with an OC that's not got your actual name will make you feel less involved in the story. At least, that's how I feel. Sorry if you don't mind, but I won't do it.

4. There WILL be swearing in these oneshots. Sorry if you can't handle that, but that's just how I roll and it's not in every sentence.

5. I'm going to be using images at the top of the oneshots, I just want to make a DISCLAIMER, that I DO NOT own any images I use, and it will never be my intention to steal an idea or an entire story. I'm very sorry if I end up doing just that.

6. Right now, I don't think my stories would involve gore, but if it happens, I'll warn you beforehand.

7. I WON'T do smut, I'll do fluff, angst etc. Just nothing too sexual.

8. I'd like to encourage you- as a reader- to comment on my writing. Tell me if the story was too fast-paced, too slow, boring- just anything that would help me improve as a writer. This is my first story after all, and I appreciate constructive criticism.

9. I depublished my other book, because I can barely keep this one updated enough. Sorry!
I probably missed some of the things I wanted to tell you but I'll just add them to the list later on.

Thank you for reading this rant. Now, onto the romance!

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