Park Jimin

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Soulmate AU: everyone has a power, when you meet your soulmate you switch powers.

(Y/N) was a true animal lover.

Ever since she was young she'd go explore outside and turn up on the doorstep with a new animal to take care of.

She grew up with several cats, dogs, birds and rabbits in the house. She even found a runaway ferret from the local pet store.

(Y/N) always seemed to know what they wanted and what was wrong with them.

Her parents didn't understand at first but they found out she could talk to animals when she brought home a fox.

Normally, they'd run away as soon as they saw a human, but this one just laid in her arms contently. You'd think it was sick because it wasn't struggling, but they went to the vet with it and it was perfectly fine.

Animals didn't just like her, and she didn't just like them, they a had more special connection.

Despite this connection, (Y/N) didn't feel obliged to study anything that had to do with animals when it was time to chose a study.

She had been looking for an apartment with her best friend nearby their university.

They'd been friends ever since she found his dog at the park. It had run away from home and she'd found it cowering in the bushes.

She was able to return it thanks to the tag on its collar.

The two found out that they were neighbours and talked a bit about their powers.

Ever since then they were the best of friends.

He was very curious to know what animals were thinking, so they played a lot in the park or in either of the two's garden.

(Y/N) was around eight back then, Taehyung was seven.

The two had found an apartment that allowed pets, which was perfect because she wanted to take a few pets off of her parents' hands.

They'd moved in in a jiffy, thanks to Taehyung who could teleport with the boxes in hand.

Time passed fairly quickly because they were so busy studying, but Taehyung thought it'd be fun to take a break and go to the birthday party of his other best friend, Jimin. He really wanted his two best friends to meet, but it hadn't happened yet.

But now that his friend had an apartment nearby, it was the perfect opportunity.

"You'll like him, I mean you already have something in common... You both like me!" He'd joked.

"Get over yourself Tae." She'd pushed him in the shoulder, chuckling.

They were walking to this friend's apartment, presents in hand.

Taehyung couldn't teleport with someone else so they had to resort to using their feet.

While they were at it, (Y/N) was going to meet the entire friend group Tae had established in high school. They didn't go to the same school when they were younger, so they were unknown to her.

Fun... a party full of strangers.

They'd finally gotten to the apartment complex, going to the third floor, they were now standing in front of a door with the number 4 on it.

"Go on..." Tae nudged her to get her to knock on the door.

"You've got hands too... You do it." (Y/N) retorted, a nervous expression on her face.

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