Kim Taehyung

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A/N: Okay, first fanfic of my first oneshot book. Whoo, I'm totally experienced and stuff. This is all a first for me so if this sucks, be brutally honest with me, I want to improve if this is sucky. Tae's not famous in this one, and I didn't specify where the story takes place, so it's up to you guys.
Soulmate AU: you see the world in black and white until you lock eyes with your soulmate.

"I actually saw my own eye colour. I've always heard that my eyes were hazel, but to see them with my own, properly functioning eyes is something completely different." Your best friend, Riley, gushed. She had recently met her soulmate, and wouldn't shut up about her ability to see colour.

Don't get me wrong, Riley was, and still is, a dear friend of (Y/N)'s. They had met eachother when Riley moved to (Y/N)'s neighbourhood. Riley was new at her middle school so she didn't know anyone yet. (Y/N) had been the only one remotely interested in being friends with her. Sounds sad, but kids are jerks sometimes. Riley gradually built up a stable group of friends, but (Y/N) was still the one closest to her throughout the years.

She was incredibly happy for her when she had heard that Riley found her destined partner. Especially since Riley had a major disadvantage in finding her soulmate, because she was attracted to women. It's much easier to find yourself a heterosexual individual, than a homosexual, bisexual or pansexual one, obviously.

She just, had been going on and on about different colours while pointing every which way. And telling (Y/N) about how romantic it was to first look your soulmate in the eyes. Riley had pointed out, like the rest of the colour-seeing people she'd known, that (Y/N) had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. And guess what she saw? Just black, gray and white.

It was very saddening to look at nature, and not being able to see its true, cool and earthy colours. Or that was what she's heard people describe those colours as. Also a depressing fact, she's missing the part of her that's destined to stay with her till death does them apart.

"I love that green sweater you're wearing today, it looks nice on you" Riley commented.

"It could've been red for all I know, but thanks anyway" (Y/N) replied, trying to avoid eye contact with the female sitting before her. She was sad and Riley knew this.

"You'll find your soulmate soon enough, trust me." Riley tried to reassure the saddened female. Closing up the menu she was looking at, she said: "let's get you some coffee, my treat."

"Thanks bud." (Y/N) smiled.

They were in a small café that had the best snacks in all of the city, the duo always went there after their college classes to relax before coping with the piling amounts of work they had gotten assigned for the next day.

It's a shame the café didn't get more recognition for their great beverages and cake though.

"Can I take your order?" A cheery voice asked. The voice came from a short lady, not that much older than the two. She was holding a notepad and pen, looking enthousiastic at the fact that she was able to do something now that there were customers. The café was not that well-known after all, and only one other employee, presumably male, was serving an old couple a few tables away.

"I'd like a Caramel Macchiato and a piece of apple pie, please." (Y/N) answered.

"For me as well, please." Riley added.

"Okay, your order's coming right up." The cheery female jotted the order down quickly and walked off behind the counter.

There was a comfortable silence in the café, only the whirring of the coffee machine was heard. (Y/N) was looking out the window, watching people pass by.

Until something piqued her interest.

"Have you gotten started on that paper that's due on Friday?" Riley questioned, only to see that her friend was destractedly looking at something outside.

"Earth to (Y/N), still here or what?" Riley waved her hand in front of the (E/C) eyed woman's face.

"Huh? Oh sorry, I saw a dog. Look at it! It's too cute." (Y/N) pointed towards the window, where an Australian Shepherd could be seen.

"You could literally be distracted by a dog during a fucking hurricane, y'know?" Riley facepalmed at her friend's behaviour, but couldn't help but chuckle.

"I know." (Y/N) laughed as well.

"Alright, here's your order." A male voice broke the lighthearted atmosphere, getting the two females to look into the direction of the voice.

The waiter however, suddenly shifted his attention somewhere else. Not paying attention to the tray he was holding anymore.

"Ow! Fuck!"

Resulting in hot coffee being poured onto (Y/N)'s shirt and lap.

"I'm so sorry! I saw a dog outside and I got distracted, are you alright?" The male apologised, looking down at the now soaked woman and setting the tray down on their table.

He ran towards the counter and took a handful of napkins, before going back to their table and giving them to the victim.

(Y/N) began dabbing at the wet spots on her clothing in the hope that they would dry quicker that way.

"Yes, I'm fine now. Thank you for asking." (Y/N) answered. "I got distracted by a dog as well just now, was it the Australian Shepherd, or was there another dog that I missed?" She turned her head upwards to look at the coffee spilling culprit.

Only to be blinded for a second when their eyes met.

"Ah, my eyes!" The man originally serving their coffee exclaimed, putting his hands over his eyes.

"What the-" (Y/N) started, only to blink and look around.

Things were not looking so bland anymore.

Looking at the man that was in the same scenario as her just now, she hesitantly asked: "can you see colour now?"

"Wait, what? Colour?" The man had been too busy rubbing his eyes that he hadn't noticed the obvious change in colour around him.

"Yes!" The man answered her after doing a complete 360 to look at everything.

"You're my soulmate! And to think that we met when I spilled coffee on you. Not how I thought we'd meet, but in a weird way, I'm glad." He was obviously embarrassed of the way things turned out. He scratched his neck and added: "my name's Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you. Can we uh, act like this whole incident never happened?"

"What happened?" (Y/N) smiled at her soulmate.

"I spilled coffee on you? Do you suffer from short-term memory loss? Do I need to take you to the doctor?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"I was suggesting that I already forgot it happened, Taehyung. I'm (Y/N), by the way, it's nice to finally meet you as well." Holding her hand out to shake his as a proper greeting.

"Oh, right, I'm stupid." Taehyung facepalmed.

Suddenly, his eyes began to sparkle, and he faced her with a big smile. "Can our first date be to the zoo? I really like penguins"

"I'd love that."

Bitch, I told you you were going to find him!"

A/N: Aaaand done, one down, at least six more to go. I hope you liked it, I'm sorry if you thought Taehyung was too ooc. I don't know what his favourite animal is so I randomly picked penguin, don't attack me if I'm wrong. Let me know if you liked this one, and I'll try to update soon. If you'd like, let's say, a small epilogue of the two spending their lives together, let me know as well. And again, tell me if there are any typos in this. Thanks for reading, bye!

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