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The man hadn't lied. I saw him plenty; sometimes with his group of friends and sometimes without, and sometimes with a lady friend.

I didn't always serve him, sometimes I merely walked back and forth, smiling whenever our eyes latched. Eventually, I let him get on with his meal while I got on with my job.

The usual chaos was amid us, although it felt as though it was just me. Was I too busy to notice the other waitress' or are there actually small numbers of them? The work didn't seem to be getting done, no matter how fast we worked.

Table Four was getting a wet cloth wiped back and forth across it, making it sparkle and shine.

"Did you spend that money?" a voice rasped from close behind me.

Turning around to face him, the first thing to catch my eye was the button up shirt that wasn't so buttoned the whole way up; some of his tattoos poked through.

"Uh, no, if I'm honest," I laughed nervously, he was stood extremely close to me. "Well I'm gonna eat the food so, technically, I did buy myself something."

"I meant something that you can keep and enjoy, not.. groceries." He sounded disappointed and I took it like a hit to the face.

"It still got put to good use so thank you again, it was very generous of you." Smiling at him, I wasn't sure when to stop; he merely stood and watched me.

"You look tired."

My cheeks flushed but I frowned. "You really know how to make a girl feel good."

He raised his hands. "That doesn't mean you don't look good, I just mean you look like you could use a break."

"I'm doing alright, but thanks," I chuckled, wanting to get as far away as possible.

Who is this man? I kept thinking.

My heart was thumping in my chest and threatening to leap out. The palm of my hands were clammy all of a sudden.

After he raised an eyebrow and gave a deep laugh, the conversation died down. He had to leave (his lady friend was waiting) and I was thankful to be getting away from his strong gaze.

"I'll see you around."

"You know where to find me." There was one last smile shared before the man turned to walk away, but seemed to be undecided. He turned to face me once again.

"I'm Jason, by the way." He held his hand out for me to shake. "Jason McCann."

"Carolina, but you already knew that." I blushed and I wasn't sure why. It was as though I had no control over my own movements and emotions while he was around.

"S'a lovely name."

"Thanks," I responded. "I should probably get back to work."

"Sure, just.. know you can come to me if you ever need.. anything."

His offer dangled in front of me, clouding my mind. The way he looked at me led me to believe he knew something about myself that I was oblivious to. It irked me, and I was glad when he walked out of the door, five steps behind his lady friend.



"You can come to me if you need.. anything."

What was 'anything', and why was I being offered it?

I thought about it as I plodded home, and as I cleaned and put the dishes away - almost dropping the last one - and even as I climbed into bed beside an already sleeping Harry; his hair splayed across the pillow with a peaceful look spread across his face.

I didn't need anything, and certainly not from someone I barely knew. I made sure to keep that in mind, at the very front so I wouldn't forget.

That night, I dreamt of the colour blue dancing and swirling before mixing with caramel. The result turned into a bright, exciting yellow that coated my vision completely. Familiar faces appeared and left in a hurry.

I was woken from my daze by the other side of the bed rising slightly, followed by the sound of Harry letting out a croaking cough. I assumed he was up to use the bathroom and I rolled over, nuzzling my head deeper into the pillow.

Things change, and time passes and emotions alter. The next evening on my way home, I stopped for coffee, just to switch up my usual routine; I'd texted Harry and asked if he could make dinner so the weight was off my shoulders.

My coffee sent a buzz through my system and heat trickled down my throat, I hummed involuntarily.

I walked with it in my hands, and felt thankful to be going home, hoping the control would be out of my hands for just tonight, maybe in more ways than one; people can surprise you, right?

There had be once or twice in our two years of being together that Harry had surprised me. I reassured myself that it was a wonderful amount of times, but I knew it wouldn't suffice in the long run.

And people disappoint, too. I got home to find Harry wasn't, but his mess still kept me company, as well as the TV he'd left on. Whatever he'd had for lunch lay half eaten on his plate on the counter, it looked as miserable as I felt.

It was just a plate of food, it was just beer cans, it was just clothes, but I was sick of the sight of them.

That's what sparked a Jason visionary. After all, he could give me anything.

I was tired.

I was hurting.

I was drained.

I wanted to lose control. Just once.

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