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A sigh ruptured from my lips as I grabbed the dirty plates from the table, making sure to keep my hands clean. Abandoned food hit the plate as I scraped it with the blunt knife. Even as I cleared the table, I could see two or three more in need of the same attention.

The restaurant was filled with chatter and laughter, and people who were most likely wanting to be served, but I knew I didn't have time to think it over; there was too much to do. There was never time to even take a minute to breathe and regain your thoughts.

Just as usual, that night I did my usual routine; take orders, serve, clean, take orders, serve, clean..

Take orders,



Over and over again with excessively long hours each and every day, apart from the day off I received once in a blue moon.

By the end of the night, there was a thin layer of sweat decorating my forehead, and a headache lurking in the back of my skull, just like every night.

My apron hung on its designated hook, taking the place of my raincoat and bag, which I threw on as I made my way to the door; more than thankful to be leaving.

I muttered farewells to co-workers and familiar faces, not making too much effort because I knew I'd be seeing them in approximately eight hours.

Despite escaping the restaurant being a comforting thought, I knew I'd be returning home to more mess that had my name carved into it. There was no taking orders and serving, but cleaning seemed to be something I couldn't escape.

I walked home and took my time, earphones in and the world trapped and shut away, because I wanted anything but to enter that front door. I could make a strong guess that I'd find my boyfriend slouched on the couch with the TV blasting; he wouldn't give the slightest care in the world that it was eleven o'clock and people were trying to sleep.

Rain began to fall softly but I didn't pull my hood over my head because I enjoyed the tiny raindrops hitting my cheeks and gliding down my skin. I walked the pavement to the beat of the music.

I wasn't wrong; I trudged through the door to find Harry thrown over the couch, although the TV was off and he was asleep, mouth gaping wide. His t-shirt had rode up to reveal his tattoos.

Looking around, I huffed when I saw his jacket and shoes thrown to the ground and rubbish littering the coffee table.

I only cleaned the room this morning.

I slammed the door and the man jumped out of his slumber. Sleepy eyes found their way to me and I received a lazy smile.

"Hey, babe," he said, not moving a muscle. "D'you have fun at work?"

"Oh, I had a whale of a time," I muttered, taking my shoes off - almost moaning at the feeling of my feet being free - and placing them beside the door, ready for another day.

"That bad, huh?" He chuckled and I held a tight smile on my lips.

First thing on the list was to gather his jacket and his shoes, hang the coat up on the rack beside the door and put his shoes next to my own. I could feel him watching me as I did it.

"Are you ready for bed?" he asked. "I'm wiped out."

I tried hard not to question what he'd done to be so tired, despite knowing he'd done nothing with his day besides picking up groceries and lifting a beer can to his mouth, with the occasional lifting the remote and pointing it at the TV screen.

"Definitely," I said. "But I have to tidy first." I tried not to let sarcasm seep into my voice.

"Alright, I'll see you upstairs, yeah?"

"Mhm," I hummed, grabbing the empty can of beer from the coffee table. Harry leaned over to press a sloppy kiss to my cheek.

The cans, wrappers and cigarettes were thrown in the trash before I moved on to washing the dishes that were piled up in the sink. I grimaced, just as I do at work, as I tried not to touch the mushed up substances.

The surfaces were wiped down (Harry had apparently spilt something and decided to leave it be) and the plugs were switched off, and I turned off the lights in the kitchen and the living room before I began to slump up the stairs.

I could hear him brushing his teeth as I entered our bedroom, so I grabbed a towel and went in the bathroom, sitting on the lid of the toilet and waiting for him to finish.

"Want me to join you?" he asked with a mischievous grin, wiping the sides of his mouth.

He took a hold of my hand and pulled me up before twirling me around. He may not have understood how to clear his own mess, but he definitely mastered the skill of neck kissing.

Lips soft and plump, they pressed down onto my skin and left it burning in the areas he targeted. His fingers caressed my hips gently.

I hummed, but I could feel the fatigue weighing me down. "I don't think so, I'm too tired. I just wanna get in and get out and get into bed."

"You sure I can't tempt you?" he whispered, sinking his teeth into my earlobe. A shiver ran its finger down my back.

"Uh-uh, no," I said, although my eyes didn't seem to want to open.

"If you say so." He chuckled, letting me out of his embrace as he sauntered out of the bathroom.

The hot water was just what I needed, not sex or any other form of pleasure. The sensation of water sprinkling onto my back was enough to relax me. But I knew it wouldn't last. I'd be up at six o'clock for work in the morning and the time for me to take charge would begin.

But what are you supposed to do when you're in control all day, every day? When you're relied on to take charge and make sure everything is in working order as it should be, every single day?

What if you don't want to be in control?

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