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My idea lost its power with each hour that passed, but once the seed had been planted, the flower had to grow. And I was ready for it.

Harry came home late that night, which I didn't mind because it meant I had the silence and the night free to do whatever to comfort me. Alcohol slithered off his tongue and up my nose when he came close and I grimaced. His lips attempted to find mine but I pushed him away before they could.

"C'mon, babe," he slurred, hands tugging the end of my shirt. "Please me." A burp erupted from his throat before he could say anything else.

"Very attractive. Honestly, take me right now," I muttered, shoving his shoulder.

I wanted sex - I was frustrated. But sex with a man so drunk he can't even keep himself sat straight wasn't what would satisfy me.


As though he knew, as though someone had given him specific stage directions, Jason rolled into the restaurant at one o'clock, and all alone. He was shown to a table before being handed a menu. I watched him, and I watched as the waitress left and he clocked me gazing in his direction.

He motioned me over, at least that's what I was hoping because I was already rushing over to his table.

"I don't think you're supposed to stare at customers," he remarked, a smug smile on his lips.

"And I'm not supposed to be stood talking to customers if I'm not waiting on their table so I guess I'll be leaving."

"Sit down then." He chuckled and it was both sad and amusing that he found himself humorous.

How had I started having regular meetings with this man?

How had I been drawn in?

"That's not even remotely funny," I pointed out, despite the small grin.

"What can I do for you then? There must have been a reason for your gawking." His fingers linked on the table, and I noticed the rings decorating them. My eyes trailing up, I caught sight of the veins pulsing through his skin. I swallowed heavily.

"No, uh, no reason."

"Not one? Not even a tiny one?"

Ask him, ask him, ask him.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"What did you mean when you said anything?" I surprised myself when I managed to get my entire question out without a stutter.

His right eyebrow arched. "I meant.. anything. Absolutely anything. Whatever your needs are."

Those eyes burned into my own and past them, looking deep into my soul and I didn't even mind.

"I can tell you want something and there's a high probability that I can make it happen if you let me. What is it?"

"It's nothing really- it's stupid.. is what it is-"

"Tell me. Five seconds."

I gulped. "I want- actually, I don't, I don't want.. control. I live my entire life having to take charge and be responsible for everything and I just, if you're some magic genie that can take that away just for a little while, that'd be much appreciated." I laughed but it trembled when it left my mouth.

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