School Is Boring

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A girl sat on the cool cement steps with tears streaming from her puffy eyes. She had pulled an all nighter just to find out that she studied for the wrong class. As a result, she skipped a review just to make up for it; only to get so caught up in studying that she missed the exam time. Her chocolate locks were matted to her head and her clothes were disheveled. Her longhorns shirt had large stains on it. She reeked of exhaustion and stress. Her friend sat beside her and tried to console her by rubbing her back and telling her to find a sugar daddy. They decided that day drinking would make everything better.

Audriella shook her head at the pair. Maybe it was her major, but her finals had never stressed her out like that. She honestly felt bad for the girl.

While college wasn't really necessary for her, she still chose to go. The University of Texas wasn't her first choice, it was the most convenient. She didn't want to move far from her family just yet. She enjoyed the spoiled life.

She collected her things just as her phone rang. Quickly answering it, a familiar face emerged. The smooth, honey skinned pretty boy rubbed a lazy hand down his face. His low eyes and gruff voice made it obvious that he just woken up.

Good morning, beautiful.

"Good morning!" She sang.

Where are you at? He looked for signs in her background, but her face took up most of the screen. She adjusted her bag before extending her arm. He saw the simple long sleeve she wore. Her "C" necklace hung comfortably just below her collarbone.

"I'm leaving the library. I have a final in like 10 minutes. How are you feeling?" She pouted slightly when he sighed in frustration.

You know how much I hate losing. Especially when I feel like I could have done something. He grumbled, sitting up from his spot. His waves shone in the sunlight as he looked away from the camera. The large stud in his ear danced. Audriella stared at him as he ignored her. He was clearly busy with something. Focusing the camera on himself, he ran a hand down his bare chest. His face still showed frustration.

"They're just letting you get a feel for the next level. When they feel like you have it mastered, you'll be back to post-game soreness. You got this." She smiled. She hated when he was in a bad mood. His moods often affected hers.

Thanks. What final do you have? He watched her sip her vanilla bean frappuccino with extra whip cream. He wondered how she could consume something with so much sugar so early in the morning. Not to mention drinking a frozen drink in late November. Her promise ring shone in the morning sun and made him wonder where her other ring was. Maybe she forgot it, it was almost 9 in the morning her time. He woke up early just to catch her before class.

"U.S History. It's literally open book and essay. I basically just need to know enough to put three to five sentences together. It's my last one until next Thursday, so I'm ready to get it over with." She replied. Finding a seat close to the door, she curled up, propping her phone up on the table. She rolled her eyes at the oogling students and focused on her notes.

Well good luck, baby. Are you hanging with my parents tomorrow? It was Thanksgiving and he wanted to stay home to focus. He was hoping to at least touch the court.

"You know my cousin is coming in. He wanted to see you." Audriella sighed. She had a plethora of cousins but only claimed two. Ashley and Quinton. They were half brothers, yet they were the closest. Only three days apart, they grew up as friends until Audriella's uncle came clean after Ashley's mother died. Luckily there was no bad blood.

Tell him to hit me up next time so we can hang out. We need to link before the wedding. He and Ashley grew close early on. They were all around the same age and played the same sports. Ashley was the first person he told about his crush on Audriella.

"I will, but I'm about to walk in." Audriella sighed, pouting. She didn't want to take the final.

Okay baby, go ace that test. I love you so so much, Dri. He yelled through the phone making her giggle.

"Thank you, I'll call you later." She flushed red as she tried to rush him off the phone.

I said I LOVE YOU AUDRIELLA CHANEL! He yelled dramatically. A few people awwed at his display.

"I love you too, Taylor." She smiled as the chat disconnected.

She ignored the other students as they whispered. She had a final to ace.

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