Chapter 20. ♧

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"Move Ashley." Audriella groaned. He was just distracting her from her work with his constant questions and objections. A designer took a chance on the young graduate and Audriella was doing everything in her power to make her proud. Even if that meant dedicating all her free time to the design in front of her.

"No, I'm trying to see what my girlfriend is going to be wearing." He whined while attempting to shove her out of the way.

"You'll see when it's on her body." Audriella said sternly. "Now move."

"Does that say sheer, no bra?" Ashley snatched the paper from Audriella's grasp. "Oh hell no!"

"We're fighting." Ashley glared down at his cousin. "I told you turtlenecks and ankle length skirts."

"Turtleneck." Audriella showed him the mock neck bodysuit. Then she held up the sheer wide leg pants. "And ankle length."

"You make me sick." He grumbled bitterly. "She's about to get my name tattooed on several spots."

"Goodbye Ashley." She laughed out. Deep down she knew he was serious.

"Might even cover her in hickies, have fun covering that up." He yelled while backing out of the room.

Sighing out, she slipped her feet back into her checkered Vans and shimmied her black skinny jeans up higher. Her faded cropped Lakers shirt skimmed across her midriff. Since she's been so focused with work, she really hasn't had time to do anything fun. When Gabby called, she was ready to come running.

Audriella! Did you and Jordan split?

What do you think about his new baby? Is it the reason for the split?

TMZ reported that they had proof of your engagement being fake, is that why you're not crying?

Did you use Jordan for his money? I thought you were a trust fund baby?

Congrats on the job! Did you actually earn that spot?

Are you dating Jordan's teammate?

What's with the random weight gain?

Audriella simply ignored the many gossipers disguised as journalists and entered the Starbucks. She'd learned that talking to them was more trouble than it was worth. As soon as Gabby saw her she ran into Audriella's arms.

"You look cute!" Audriella cooed. Her best friend modeled the white and cream ensemble with a few quick poses.

"Thanks gorgeous." She smiled. "I already got your order, sit down."

They sat at a table slightly off from the main seating. They had a clear view of the people around them but were still hidden enough not to be noticed at first glance.

"So, how have you been?" Gabby questioned softly. Her friend shrugged lightly. Even though it felt like forever, it really hadn't been that long since Audriella and Jordan ended. Gabby knew Audriella was having a rough time but she refused to admit it.

"I have my days." Audriella admitted. "It just really sucks when people act like I'm supposed to be on my deathbed over our breakup though."

"But you were..." Gabby retorted with the thoughts of Audriella crying flashing through her mind. Those were some of the roughest nights she had to endure. Without Jordan there Audriella's pain hit ten times harder.

"I had just lost my baby, of course I was going through it." Audriella defended. Looking back she saw how dramatic she was being. She would never apologize for it because those were her true feelings at the time.

"I know it got a little crazy at times, but I'm better now. I have a degree and an amazing job. My family and friends show love and care for me on a regular basis. I'm making plans for my future. I'm getting close to happy." Audriella smiled while sipping her drink. "I'm good."

"I'm just making sure because I know how you are." Gabby glared playfully. "Where'd you just come from?"

"The studio, I had some last minute designs to get out before the show next week." Audriella cheesed. Talking about her job made her eyes light up.

"Wow, we really made it in the industry." Gabby mused dreamily.

"How has modeling been going for you?" Audriella asked with great interest. Since moving out of the dorms, both girls managed to snag jobs and apartments for themselves in LA. They were really growing up.

"It's been amazing!" Gabby gushed. "Sports Illustrated contacted me about next year's cover."

"Congrats, girl! You're one step closer to runway." Audriella cooed. Gabby always raved about working fashion week and becoming an international model. She constantly networked with people throughout school and it clearly paid off.

"And you could be right next to me." Gabby nudged her friend

"Oh, I'm definitely not ready for that." Audriella shook her head. "I want to stay behind the scenes for a little while."

"I'm not taking no for an answer. We're going to be attending events together." Gabby assured sternly.

Audriella had no problem site modeling or magazine shoots. The real problem was runway, she didn't want to make a fool of herself. She was the type to study something before she tried it for herself. Then if the bad outweighed the good, she left it alone. But if that happened with runway, her childhood dream would be ruined.

So until she felt that it was her time, she was going to stay behind the scenes.

"Don't look now, but there's a tall dark and handsome looking your way." Gabby eyed the tall man at the counter. Audriella slyly followed her gaze.

Indeed he was tall, nearing a solid six foot four inches tall. Cool dark skin akin to the night sky and slanted coal eyes. His full lips spread into a cocky white smile. He wore an oatmeal colored sweater and salmon shorts that came to mid thigh. His toned legs ended at his chocolate Sperry shoes.

With recognition, Audriella sighed internally. He always seemed to pop up at the most inconvenient times. This time, paparazzi was less than ten feet away.

"Hi Audriella," the smooth baritone voice greeted. Gabby made a sound of approval as she observed the man. He seemed very much into her friend. She was happy about that because Audriella needed some happiness after all this emotional turmoil.

"Zeek." She nodded softly.

"I'm not going to hold you long," he paused to acknowledge the girl next to the woman of his dreams. "I just wanted to say hello, is your number still the same?"

"Yes it is." Audriella answered. She wasn't entirely on board with his friendly manner. He was always friendly but this was more flirtatious.

"I'll make sure to call you so we can link up, yeah?" He eyed his friend's body, noting the slight roll above her high waisted jeans. He didn't know where the weight came from but he'd help her get it off if need be.

"Okay, see you later." She waved, hoping he caught the hint. He nodded a goodbye and left the establishment. Sighing out loud Audriella relaxed in her chair.

"Who was that?" Gabby followed him until he disappeared around the corner.

"That was stress." Audriella mumbled.

Hopefully this time he leaves the drama at home.

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