Chapter 10. ♤

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Guys night. That's the text Jordan received when his head hit the pillow. Did he enjoy spending time with the guys? Of course. But did he want to see them now? Absolutely not.

What he really wanted was to pack Audriella up and fly her to his place so he could continue cuddling her. Leaving her was quickly becoming his least favorite thing. She had become his little slice of heaven. He didn't need his teammates when he had his girl.

But he went anyway, peer pressure is a bitch. Black skinny jeans, vans, and a black shirt underneath a maroon colored bomber jacket. He smirked a little as he recalled the argument leading up to the purchase.

"Jordan, your sense of style is weird." Audriella rolled her eyes.

"What are you talking about? I look good." He spun around to show her the checkered pants. Audriella frowned at the rolled up legs that showed his high socks.

"You'll wear those, but not this?" She held up the satin jacket with a frown.

"No, it looks off." He shook his head. In other words, it was too feminine for his taste. He knew she more than likely picked it so she could steal it in the future.

"You need to take off those pants, baby please." She whined.

"You're a hater with no sense of style." He smirked at the fire in her eyes.

"I can outplay you and out dress you, don't even try it." She glared.

"Let's make a bet, you style me and I style you. Whoever gets the most compliments wins." He proposed with an outstretched hand.

"Deal." She grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Kiss on it." He mumbled, pecking her lips.

Needless to say, she won. Though she did admit that she was more comfortable in his picks. Probably because he had her in oversized clothes for the week.

"Why are you always dressed like the 50s?" Nick joked.

"Why do you dress like you're 50?" Jordan shot back as the group laughed.

"Ha ha, rookie." Nick mocked him. "How was time with the wife?"

"It was chill. I think I fucked up my knees though." Jordan admitted. If there was one thing he didn't miss about college, it was the twin beds. He only lasted a semester before he begged for a bigger bed.

"If it's how I think it is, I'm not drinking after you." Ed frowned.

"Man," he kissed his teeth. "The bed almost took me out."

"Yeah, I had to get my girl up out of there." Tarik shook his head. He was only a year older than Jordan, but they weren't really that close. Tarik was a bit of a wild child. It was rumored that he had kids littered all over the country, which wasn't surprising because he couldn't hold his liquor and often needed to be saved.

"Dri won't leave because loves napping between classes." Jordan chuckled as his thoughts drifted to his woman. Her nap schedule had increased to the point where she was sleeping for most of the 24 hours.

"Enough of this, we're supposed to be finding me a rebound." Jordan Hill exclaimed drunkenly.

"What the hell happened?" Wesley quirked an eyebrow. He was down to find a one night stand, he was just curious.

"Ashley was fucking off." Hill shook his head bitterly. "I got a video message of her sucking dick with her engagement ring on."

"Maybe someone hacked your phone?" Nick drawled, not believing a word he'd just spoken. Ashley was out there and didn't even care. When Hill first introduced her, she insinuated that she was down to have a threesome with him and Clarkson. Of course they both declined, bringing drama to the team was a no go.

"I look like I got a white dick to you?" Hill snapped making all the guys hiss. Clarkson sipped his drink to ease the ill feeling in his chest. He knew he hadn't been invested in his relationship until recently and suspected that Audriella used to do her own thing from time to time, but proof probably would have killed him. He didn't want to know that pain. Especially if she didn't care enough to remove the ring; that was a whole new level of disrespect. Plus if the camera caught the ring, she knew she was being recorded.

"Yeah, you need to let off some steam." Wesley shook his head. He was surprised Ashley was still alive.

Clarkson was just silently listening to the conversations happening around him. He was on a two drink maximum since he drove and nothing good came from a drunk Jordan.

Drunk Jordan was a hoe. We no longer wanted a hoe.

As the night progressed, he let loose, occasionally joining in on a song or dance. A group of girls walked past a few times, obviously seeking attention. Nick eagerly gave it to them, even though he was in two relationships. A flirtatious mood soon took over as they paired off. All except for Clarkson, he was relaxed on the VIP couch waiting for the perfect moment to go home. Five-foot-seven, curvy frame, caramel skin, and short red hair was the description for the young vixen approaching Jordan. His eyes scanned her lazily, she was cute but he had learned quickly that girls with a lot of ass couldn't be trusted. Sitting down next to him, she leaned in close, her sickeningly sweet perfume surrounded him.

"Charlie." She held her hand out while making eye contact. Jordan only nodded and sipped his water. "You don't speak?"

"Nah." He shook his head. He couldn't afford to be friendly. Friendliness got him in trouble.

"That's fine, I'm not much of a talker anyway." She flirted as Jordan leaned away. He knew that the wrong angle could result in a headline the next morning. Before she could open her mouth, Jordan quickly stood up and walked away.

"Aye, I'm gonna go." He slapped hands with his teammates. Mentally, he shook his head at the amount of girls hanging on them.

"Be safe, bro." Jordan nodded. The girl he was seated with was stunning enough for him to do a double take. Her long chocolate legs were draped over Hill's lap while his right hand rested on her waist.

"Make sure my boy is taken care of, alright?" He joked as the girl smiled bashfully. He liked her and hoped that this night led to something more. But he knew that one night stands were exactly that. One night only.

"I will." She giggled out. He soon made it out onto the sidewalk where cameras instantly invaded his vision.

Jordan, how was your night?
Did you get any numbers?
Is it true that you have a baby on the way?
You're turning in early
What are you doing tonight?

"I'm going home to get on my baby's nerves." He joked with the paparazzi.

Did she approve of your outfit?

"She didn't get a say so, I'm the fashionable one." He winked at the camera. She was going to let him have it when she got word of this.

Nick told us that you stole your style from him, is that true?

"You really believed a man who wears floral shirts every day?" He shook his head. "I'm disappointed." The group laughed as he unlocked his doors. "You guys have a good night." He slid into his car and sped off.


"Jordan, we have a problem." He groaned as his mother's voice harassed his ears at sunrise. Giving her a key turned out to be one of his biggest mistakes. He loved her dearly, but she was wearing out her welcome. He lived alone for a reason.

"Yes mother?" He grumbled in his pillow.

"Who is Yari?" She asked, waking Jordan up completely. She stood over him with a stern expression on her face. He'd seen that face plenty of times growing up. That face meant he was in trouble. Deep trouble.

"Why?" He asked in confusion, scratching the back of his neck. She handed him the laptop with a TMZ article pulled up.

What the fuck?

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