Chapter 8. ♡

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"Mmm, Jordan." She moaned as he went deeper. Feeling her muscles contract and release as she moaned, he smiled triumphantly. He continued to stroke her softly as she came down.

His bare chest collided with her slick back. Her labored breath soon began to even out.

"Jordan, get off of me." Audriella groaned, pushing herself up only to be pushed back down.

"I'm not moving until you admit it." Jordan sang.

"Jordan Taylor Clarkson is the best I've ever had." Audriella rehearsed dryly.

"Best what?" He teased, trapping her underneath him, letting his fingertips trail her sensitive skin.

"Masseuse, okay." She huffed in annoyance. He loved to torture her and she wanted to avoid that at all cost.

"That's all I needed to hear." He winked before burying his head in her neck. She bit her lip as he placed soft kisses against her skin.

They had been playing this teasing game since his flight landed. Coming straight from his game in Oregon, he thought to surprise her. It was almost Valentine's Day and he wanted to take her out.

When she came from class, he was asleep in her bed. Of course, she made him feel bad for being tired, so he had to make it up to her. A warm oil massage and a nap was her choice.

She definitely needed it. School was stressing her beyond belief. All she really had the energy to do was eat. Everything else got done with the help of energy drinks and coffee mixed together. At night, a sleeping pill brought her solace. Her newfound diet threw her body off completely. Her period was going on two months late and seemed to have no intentions of returning. Three separate trips to the doctor eliminated her first guess. She had never been so scared in her life. A baby was the last thing she and Jordan needed, they were still trying to figure out what to do about their relationship. She wondered if he really wanted kids. Sure he loved them, but would he want any of his own?

"What's on your mind?" He mumbled into her neck, pulling her closer. She loved when he clung to her. It brought out the giddy schoolgirl in her.

"Nothing." She lied. Concerning him was the last thing she wanted. He came all the way to see her, she wanted this visit to be perfect.

"Liar, but roll over so we can take this nap." He quickly settled onto her, his head on her stomach as his right thumb rubbed her hip. His left hand intertwined with her right resting beside her head.

And just like that, she fell into the most peaceful slumber she'd had in weeks.

I might be lazy, but you're still in bed. We have a date, so don't be late. Look for something pink white or red.
Love, JC

"I don't want to wear this." Audriella pouted at the red sequin dress in her closet. Jordan had snuck a few random pieces in her wardrobe while she was sleeping. Unbeknownst to her, the dress was a decoy.

"He said red pink or white, right?" Gabby asked, picking up a silver pair of sandals.

"Yeah, but - where did you get those?" Audriella furrowed her brow at the red tag on the bottom of sole.

"Right, here. Are they yours?" She asked as Audriella's face lit up.

"No- He's so sneaky!" She exclaimed. Gabby watched her frantic roommate toss articles of clothing around the small space. "Hold these."

Audriella continued to throw things that had pink and red tags until she got to a white sweetheart dress. It was floor length with cutouts and a split in the back. It was beautiful and she wondered when he placed it in her closet, or when he bought it for that matter. Nevertheless, she eagerly got ready for her date.

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