Chapter 18. ♡

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"I've been chasing you for months now, are you sure we can't work something out?"

"I'm positive, go away." Audriella muttered.

"What's wrong, why do you look so down?" He wondered.

"Corey, just leave." She mumbled.

After months of avoiding him, she finally learned that her personal pest was a man named Corey. An even bigger surprise, he wasn't exactly a stranger. He was an old friend of one of her cousins. A cousin she didn't particularly care for.

Corey had actually witnessed the relationship of Jordan and Audriella. Even if he didn't know the full story, he knew enough to know that their relationship wasn't typical. He wanted to show her that. He believed she deserved better than what she was receiving. If only she could see that.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He promised with a cheesy smile. She gave him a small smirk and shooed him away.

Jordan stretched out on the twin bed. His shoulders and knees popped from being cramped up for so long. Since his game he'd been cooped up in Audriella's dorm to make sure she was okay. Of course she wasn't, the only time she left the room was go to class. At times, he had to sit down and feed her. If he didn't, she wouldn't.

He knew he needed to take care of his fiancé. What she went through was traumatic. Even though he was devastated, she was a million times worse. In his heart, he knew there was a possibility that they wouldn't make it out of this storm. Even if they didn't make it together, he wanted to make sure she did. His life was on hold until further notice.

Cleaning around her room, he ran across a small decorative box that had soft yellow and white filigree on it. Seeing it was written addressed to someone named Xiomara, he stared longer when he noticed the last name Clarkson. With curiosity gnawing at his resolve, he continued to move around the room. Invading her privacy would only cause problems and he didn't want anymore issues to deal with.

"What are you doing?" She asked, putting her keys on the wall while kicking her shoes off by the door.

"Just stretching out." He shrugged, pulling her to him. She nodded against his chest. "How was class?"

She let out a muffled groan. "I'm so tired of doing stuff. If I have to dissect color schemes one more time, I'm just going to blow the school up."

"You're on the countdown, baby just stick it out." He chuckled softly.

"I'm trying, I'm just so tired." She whined. "You know I have to design and create my own outfit then model it in front of the class for one of my finals? Then for another class I have to create a mock fashion line and pitch it to the board! It's just so much."

"Start on it now while I do your computer work." Jordan encouraged. While he was no fashion major, he could hold his own. Years of helping Audriella study had worked in her favor.

"Fine." She sighed as they took a seat at her desk. Sitting in his lap, she started to sketch in her book. Jordan hummed along to the music coming from her laptop.

"I'll be your groupie, baby!" He sang loudly while pulling her to his chest. She giggled and relaxed into him. He rocked them side to side.

"As your number one fan, I'll do all that I can to show you how super you are." He mumbled into her neck. Chills ran down her spine as he placed a soft kiss to her spot.

"Dance with me." She pouted as the song changed. He smiled at the new song. Don't Change by Musiq Soulchild filled the room with its soft instrumental. He tapped her thigh signaling for her to get up. His practice jersey looked like a dress as it skimmed her thighs. She looked so good in anything she put on. But it was something about his clothes that sent his soul on a roller coaster ride.

"You want to marry me?" Jordan asked as he held her close.

"I'm engaged to you aren't I?" She sassed making him chuckle.

"I want this song in our wedding." He admitted. It warmed Audriella's heart to hear his eagerness since the only thing he contributed to the first plans was the white and crystal theme.

"Where at?" She mumbled.

"First dance or something." He thought aloud.

"Think you have enough fame to get him to perform?" She teased. He kissed his teeth.

"I'll get the president to be my best man if it makes you happy." He spoke cockily. "You want ice cubes made out of diamonds? I'll make it happen."

"I love you." She giggled out.

"I love you, too." He kissed her lips softly.

The song had long ended and neither of them attempted to move. They were so wrapped up just being in the moment. He never lied when he said he could hold her forever. Audriella was just enjoying the moment without stress. He was becoming her stress reliever.

"Don't leave." She pouted while looking up at him. He wanted to stay, Lord knows he did but he had things to do.

"I wish I could stay." He sighed before kissing her softly. "You can come with me, though."

"You know I can't." She frowned at him. After missing three days of classes, she had a ton of makeup work due. Though he helped with a lot of it, she was still swimming in missing assignments.

"We can finish everything tonight and fly out tomorrow." He bargained. He really didn't want to go back to L.A. especially not without her.

"Stay for two more days." She begged. Not being able to tell her no, he kissed her while pulling her closer.

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