Chapter 6

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I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that my brother was so rude to call me and ended our conversation without saying goodbye. Because he goes to the best university in America, YALE, Joel thinks he can do just as he pleases.

A knock on my door startles me as I sit in my bedroom after dinner. I look up from my notebook in front of me and just stare at the door. It's not as if it will give me answers to who is there.

Another knock.


I sigh, climb off my bed, and head to open up for whoever is on the other side of the door. Sheldon would be pissed if it was him, but I don't want to wait until he knocks again.

"You ready for your science lesson?" Gregg asks as soon as I open the door, holding up some books he brought with him in his hands.

"Gregg, what are you doing here?" I asked, confused. "How did you get in?"

"Your mother let me in," he said, gesturing outside my room and towards the stairs.

"And you said you'll help me if I give you some science lessons."

"I did not mean we needed to start today. And you should've called," Gregg doesn't say anything as he just looks at me, waiting.

"But now that you are here, we could just as well start," I say, and Gregg's smile increases as he walks into my room, over to my desk, and sits down on the chair. He takes some books more books out of the bag he brought with him and spreads them across the desk. Just as he is about to place it on the table, he looks at the open book I had on my desk. I look at him questionably as he picks the book up and studies its content.

"You sketched these?" he asked, surprised, paging through some of the pages. It's my sketchbook. I haven't shown anyone it in ages. Only the art teacher at school knows about it, and I showed her about a year ago.

"Yip." I scooted off the bed and joined him at the desk.

"Since when do you design dresses and stuff," he asked. He stopped at one of my favorite sketches I have drawn so far. It's a long blue formal gown with a low neckline and see-through bottom going out like an A-line mermaid style.

"Since you left. I needed something else to do besides science and math equations." He smiled.

"These sketches are exquisite, Hal. Have you ever considered becoming a fashion designer?" he asked.

"Now and then," I answer as he looks at the sketches, paging through the book one page at a time. There is silence with just the sound of a page being turned. It started to become creepy.

"You said you wanted to start?" I needed to say after a while, not liking this awkward silence hanging around when none of us was talking.

"Yes," he said as he looked away from the sketchbook and back to the books he bought with him.

It took a while for me to understand all the science terminology again. The long words for the different elements and stuff were a tongue twister initially, but I think I have everything under control. Who knew that aerodonetics means the science or study of gliding? The 'study session' went past exceptionally quickly after that. When I looked at the time again, it was already past 10pm.

"Look at the time! You probably need to head home." I said. He looked at his watch to check the time.

"Probably," he started packing in the books in his bag. "Wait, you said that if I help you, you'll help me with the 'other subject.'"

"Other subject?" I look at him, confused. He looked back at me, and then I clicked. "Oh, yes. You mean the 'girls'?" I asked just to confirm. He just smiles at me and slowly starts nodding his head.

"It's rather late for that now," I said as I was genuinely drained. I usually don't stay up past 8 pm. Wake up at 7 am and have my eyes closed at 8 pm. That's my routine since I can remember.

"Right," Gregg says, understandably, packing up his belongings and shoving the contents into his bag. He leaves my room with a goodbye and closes the door behind him. I look around my dark room and then at my dresser. I have no energy to stand up and get changed into my pajamas. I lift the sheets and crawl into my bed, making a cacoon for myself and getting comfy.

I swear it was not even 15 minutes before another knock echoed on the door.

"Not now, mom!" I shouted, not turning around to see who it was. My cacoon is just starting to get warm.

"It's not your mom." the voice said in a whisper. My eyes shoot open, and I force my body out of the cacoon and jiggle around to face the door. I see Gregg standing in at the door again.

"Did you forget something?" I ask, pulling the duvet up to my chin, so I am not revealing anything.

"My car doesn't want to start, so your parents said I could stay the night and sleep in the other room," he says. "Your dad said he'll look at it in the morning." I scoff at that. My dad might be an engineer, but he is not the best at fixing cars. "Fine, but you have to be quiet," I say. "I don't want to hear a word from you. I need my beauty sleep." Gregg nods and walks back out of the room. I hear the door close softly. I lay there for a few more minutes, thinking about how I will survive taking up science again. After Gregg explained some of the terminologies tonight, I think I might be able to survive it.

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