Chapter 1

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"I want to die."

A teen with white hair and violet eyes watched as students got ready for the U.A. High School entrance exam. His eyes scanning each one of their faces and mentally noting what their quirk or what could be their quirk.

'That Shigaraki... Even though knowing I have no intentions on killing All Might he still tells me to do shit like this... Get information and report back, sounds easy enough, but I have to deal with people, fuck my life.'

He felt as if someone was staring at him, he turned his head and saw a boy with dark green hair. The green haired boy immediately looked away with pink hues on his cheeks from getting caught staring.

'This is bad! He caught me staring! I couldn't help it... He's probably the only person here wearing their school uniform instead of clothes that would be easier for him to move around...'

"That's nice of you to be worried but I'm more comfortable with wearing my school uniform."

The green haired boy, Midoriya Izuku, jumped a little as he heard a voice. Izuku looked towards the voice and saw it was the white haired teen he was staring at previously. 

"E-eh?! H-how did you...? I-is your quirk mind reading?" Izuku questioned with curiosity and amazement in his eyes as the white haired boy only stared at him.

"Ah, no... You were mumbling..." The white haired teen answered with a bored expression.

"Ah! Was I really?! I-I'm so sorry!" Izuku apologized with a panic expression and blushing from embarrassment.

"What're you apologizing for?" The white haired teen questioned, his bored and dull violet eyes started to wander towards the other teenagers.

"I'm sorry—"

A hand suddenly grabbed Izuku's shoulder, cutting him off from apologizing once more. Izuku looked at the owner of the hand, it was the guy who called him out during Present Mic's explanation.

"He seems to have things in his mind," the glasses boy pointed out as he looked at the white haired boy.

Izuku followed the glasses boy's gaze. The white haired boy was looking at the students with bored violet eyes but it looks more like he was scanning the students more than looking. The glasses boy then looked back at Izuku with a serious expression.

"Why are you here? Are you trying to interfere?" The glasses boy questioned, his voice loud as students started turn their head towards Izuku and glasses boy.

"Hey, isn't that the kid who was acting like an idiot at the front gate?" A student shouted.

"I guess that's one less rival to worry about!" Another student shouted.

Everyone started giggle and laugh as Izuku was being humiliated. It started to die down when the white haired boy that was previously scanning the students started to walk towards the glasses boy. His mouth and nose is covered with a face mask so nobody could tell what his expression was, you can slightly tell from his eyes though that he was annoyed.

"Hey, mind not making such a fuss? It's super fucking annoying, thanks," the white haired boy said in a monotonous voice. He then turned towards the rest of the students. "You guys too, everyone is so fucking annoying I question why the fuck am I even doing here."

Everyone was quiet from the harsh words the white haired boy said. He sure is blunt.

"And... BEGIN!"

Before anyone could react, the white haired boy ran into the gates as fast as he could. Then, after realizing the entrance exam had started, the students started running into the gates as Izuku was at the back of the crowd. 


Izuku turned a corner and saw the white haired boy standing in front of robots.

'I want to run away but I also want to see what his quirk is...'

Just then, robots came out of nowhere and surrounded the bored white haired boy. Izuku ran behind a wall and looked from behind it, fearing the robots might see him.

"Everything is so fucking annoying..." The white haired boy mumbled as he looked at the robot in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, all the robots that were surrounding him had ice covering them, freezing them instantly. The white haired boy kicked them and the robots started breaking into pieces. He looked up at the sky, breathing slowly.

'So his quirk is ice...? I guess that sorta suits him since he seems cold... He also cusses, just like Kacchan...'

"How many points was that...?" The white haired boy asked himself. "It doesn't matter... I didn't put in any effort at all..."

'If that wasn't him putting in effort, I wonder how it looks like...'

The white haired boy started running towards a direction. Izuku then started running as well, realizing he still doesn't have points. 

Time skip to the week after the entrance exam brought to you by the author being lazy af

The white haired boy stared at the projection of All Might in front of him. He wasn't paying attention to what the hero was saying. He already knew he was in. Even though he didn't put any effort in the entrance exam, he was pretty sure that he destroyed enough robots to get him in the school.

"Getting into U.A. is pretty easy..." The boy mumbled. "Now, I just have to deal with people... I really hate my fucking life..."

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