Chapter 6

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Hajime's POV

Out of nowhere, Shigaraki was at the side of the water, his hand almost touching Tsuyu. Shigaraki stopped, almost disintegrating Tsuyu. 

"You really are cool...Eraser Head," Shigaraki said, looking at Aizawa over the shoulder.

I looked at Aizawa, seeing him staring at Shigaraki as blood poured down his face.

He still used his Quirk. He still tried to protect the students. What the hell Aizawa...? Are you stupid or something...? Don't you know when's enough is enough...? You're badly injured, I'm surprised you're even conscious, but you still tried to save them... What the hell Aizawa...

How can you be so dedicated...?

Nomu then smashed Aizawa's head against the floor once more, cracking the floor even more. 


I turned to the screaming as a gush of wind appeared. As the fog cleared away, I saw Midoriya's fist against Nomu's stomach. I looked at his arm and it wasn't injured at all, assuming he used his Quirk just now. 

How stupid can you get, Midoriya? Risking everything at a life and death moment. Just how stupid can you get?

Everyone stopped moving as a loud noise was heard at the main entrance. Everyone's eyes were there, so were mine. Coming out from the fog, there was the number one hero, All Might. I just stared at All Might. 

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. How stupid is everyone? 

"It's fine now," All Might said. "I am here!" 

All Might made his way to Aizawa, taking down villains as he goes

All Might's POV

I picked up Aizawa in my arms as I looked at his condition with a look of grief. His elbow was crumbling, the meat showing and his face was bloodied. 

"Sorry, Aizawa-kun..."

I looked up and to my surprise see Hajime standing there, staring at me with a face of disgust, hatred and...relief?

Hajime's POV

All Might looked away from me, turning to the water where Shigaraki, Nomu and the three students were. I guess he's figured out I'm a villain.

In a blink of an eye, All Might got the three students safely away from Shigaraki and Nomu, punching Shigaraki in the process. The hand on Shigaraki's face was now on the ground as he covered his face with the palm of his hand, searching for his "father"'s hand, mumbling apologies.

I watched the fight play out in front of me. All Might fighting with Nomu. The creature was made to rival against All Might. It wasn't human anymore. 

The "plan" was going smoothly. All Might was about to get teared up but Midoriya and his little group showed up and saved the hero.

Punches were sent here and there, in the end Nomu was sent to space most likely from All Might's powerful throw. All Might kept on taunting Shigaraki as he scratched his neck furiously. 

All that was in my mind was how All Might got here a little too late but still in time to save three students. What was he doing before he got here...? 

My thoughts were cut off as I saw Shigaraki dashing towards All Might, Midoriya rushing after him with his Quirk activated. I clicked my tongue.

"Everyone's so fucking stupid..."

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