Chapter 11

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I'll try updating when I can since school already started for me ;-;

This will be pretty short since I'm tired at the moment.

Anyways, on with le chapter!!!


Hajime's POV

I was watching the third years' events. Honestly, I wanted to just go home but I couldn't really since I'm on duty. This is honestly stupid. Why is a 19 year old like me wearing a gym uniform and be like some bodyguard at a high school sports festival?

I groaned as I went to find something else to do. While walking down the stairs, I saw All Might. I groaned once more and walked passed him but he stopped be my gripping onto my shoulder.

"Wait, Hajime shounen, I need to speak with you," All Might said with his usual grin.

"You're already speaking to me," I said in a monotone voice, wanting to end the conversation so I can find a place to sleep.

"It's important," All Might quickly said as I groaned but kept quiet to hear him out. "I wanted to talk about your future."

I narrowed my eyes as I proccessed what he just said. My future? Really?

"Look, I'm not gonna be all buddy-buddy with you just because we're practically on the same side," I said as I pushed his hand off my shoulder and started to walk away but...

"This is about your future as a hero."

I stopped in my tracks as I looked at the floor. As a hero? Me? A villain like me who has killed people? What a joke.

"I'm not fit to be a hero..." I said, wanting to walk away but my legs seemed to stay put. What the heck...?

"Yes you are. You show hesitation before you use your Quirk against someone, just like that time with Todoroki shounen," All Might pointed out.

"I was going easy on him," I said back when in reality what All Might is saying is true.

"No, you weren't. From what you said during the first years' sports festival, you definitely did not go easy on him."

I turned around to look at All Might with a cold gaze. He sure knows how to piss someone off...

"You're definitely fit to be a hero, I'm sure of it," All Might said with confidence. How I wished I had that much confidence. "Which is why I'll be teaching you about the importance of being a hero!"

"Save as many people you can, if you can then save the world possibly," I said half jokingly.

"And save yourself."

I looked at All Might in a bit shock.

"You can't save anyone if you can't save yourself," All Might said with a proud grin.

I clicked my tongue and turned around, walking away from the number 1 hero. He really pisses me off but deep down... I actually look up to him.


3rd Person's POV

Hajime had quickly changed into normal clothes after the sports festival had finally ended. He was walking towards where his house is when he noticed a familiar boy.

"Todoroki?" Hajime questioned as it was revealed to be none other than Todoroki. "What're you doing here? Isn't your house the opposite direction?"

"How do you know where I live?" Todoroki questioned, feeling slightly suspicious that Hajime knew that information.

"I-I-I made a wild guess," Hajime stuttered as he really did make a wild guess. "Anyway, what are you doing out so late?"

"I could ask you the same question," Todoroki said back, Hajime feeling slightly irritated.

"Look, you're young and I don't want you getting beaten up by some thugs or something so I suggest you go home already," Hajime said with a monitone voice.

"Are you worried about me?"







"W-w-w-wait! I'm n-n-not worried about y-y-you! I just d-don't want to see you with injuries!" Hajime exclaimed, blushing in embarrassment.

"Whatever you say..." Todoroki was on the verge of laughing from Hajime's embarrassment but refrained himself. "Then, I'll take my leave."

Todoroki then left the confused and blushing Hajime alone. The white haired male let out a sigh of relief as he looked up at the sky. It was almost dark so he started to make his way to his own house.

"That stupid Todoroki..."

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