Chapter 3

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The school actually had normal classes, like English. That also means there's homework. Hajime doesn't like homework but he does them for no reason. Hajime watched as Kirishima and Kaminari freaking out about their unfinished homework. It was early in the morning so only a few students are there. Actually, only Kirishima, Kaminari and Hajime were there.

Both Kirishima and Kaminari were too scared to ask Hajime because he seemed a little cold but time was moving so they had no choice but to ask. They even played rock-paper-scissors to see who asks Hajime to borrow his homework. In the end, it was Kirishima.

The spiky redhead walked over to Hajime, who was writing something in a notebook, while nervously looking everywhere.

"U-um... Owari-kun," Kirishima called out, Hajime looking at the redhead in return. "C-can I b-borrow yesterday's homework? I promise I'll give it back later."

Without saying another word, Hajime gave Kirishima the homework he had done after finishing school.

"Thank you so much!" Kirishima exclaimed, running back to Kaminari with Hajime's homework.

Hajime watched as the two boys copied the homework. The white haired boy closed the notebook as Todoroki Shoto entered the class. The white and red haired boy glanced over to Hajime who did the same. Todoroki looked away and went to his seat, which was not far away from where Hajime is sitting.

Minutes later, Kirishima gave Hajime's homework back. Hajime wanted to comment on how fast he and Kaminari copied the homework but that would start a conversation so he kept his mouth shut.

"You're really smart, huh, Owari-kun?" Kirishima commented while grinning, showing his sharp teeth. "I didn't see you in the entrance exam but you must be really strong to get number one."

"I'm not that strong..." Hajime said, leaning back in his seat. How he wanted the conversation to end right there. "You're... Kirishima Eijiro and that other kid is Kaminari Denki, right?"

"How'd you know our name?" Kaminari asked, jumping into the conversation.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," Hajime answered, making the two students even more curious.

Even more students entered the classroom as time passes by, Kirishima and Kaminari did their own thing after talking with Hajime. The white haired boy glanced over to Todoroki who was reading.

'I guess he's one of those studious students.'

Aizawa then walked in, starting homeroom lazily.


'Can I jump out the window?'

All Might, the number one hero, was standing at the front, explaining something about hero studies or something. Hajime was clearly not paying attention although he was looking at All Might with a deadly bloodlust that was hidden by his blank mask.

Then, the wall had coat hangers with their hero costume. Hajime went to get his "hero costume". It was rather simple. A white long sleeved shirt (not T-shirts), a black coat and black pants.

 A white long sleeved shirt (not T-shirts), a black coat and black pants

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