Chapter 9

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3rd person POV

Hajime was walking towards the principal's office, as requested by the principal himself. The white haired boy didn't know what the principal wanted from him, he was also not interested in knowing. He was daydreaming and he bumped into someone's back. 

"Ah, sorry..." Hajime apologized before continuing to walk to the principal's office without waiting for the other person's reply.

The purple haired student only watched as Hajime walked.

"I've never seen him before..."

Hajime just slid the door to the principal's office open without knocking first, sliding the door close again as he made his way in front of the principal. 

"What do you want?" Hajime asked, it sounds kinda harsh but his voice is monotone.

"I just wanted to explain how you will be participating in the sports festival," the principal answered, smiling.

"Participating? You must have a lot of trust in me if you're gonna let me join, won't the students panic since I'm a villain?" Hajime said, narrowing his eyes.

"Only Class 1-A knows about that, the other students think you're just a new student that hasn't joined a class yet," the principal explained.

"......" Hajime remained silent, looking deep in thought before he looks back at the principal. "You planned this from the beginning, right?"

The principal merely nodded. Hajime remembered overhearing the news. The police and the teachers present at the U.S.J. incident knew who the 'villain student' was but the media doesn't. The principal probably told the teachers and the police to not say anything about Hajime. The white haired boy grinned at that, finding it amusing before his lips formed a thin line once again. The principal wouldn't see since he's wearing a mask but oh well.

"Why do you even want me to participate? Not like anyone is going to get me as a sidekick," Hajime questioned.

"You know the answer," the principal answered. "The conditions for you attending here applies at the sports festival as well, that's all since you're smart enough to know how it will play out, you can go now."

Without another word, Hajime left the room and made his way towards his class. The violet eyed boy was in deep thought, thinking of the many scenarios that could happen during the sports festival.


Hajime turned around, seeing an angry Bakugou running towards him. In a blink of an eye, both Bakugou's legs were frozen before he got too close to Hajime.

"What's up with you, Bakagou?" Hajime asked, annoying Bakugou even more.

"Why the fuck are you here?!" Bakugou yelled, Hajime wincing slightly which didn't caught unnoticed by Bakugou.

"The principal said I could attend here still," Hajime answered, the ice around Bakugou's legs melting.

"That still doesn't explain shit," Bakugou said harshly.

"Whatever," Hajime said, walking away but stopped and looked at Bakugou over the shoulder. "Bakugou."

"What?" Bakugou said harshly, looking at Hajime with his usual angry face.

"Don't be half-assed in the sports festival," Hajime said, walking away from the angry boy.


Yeah, it's short, I just wanted to tell ya guys I'm not dead lolol. I'm thinking of doing a time skip to when like, Hajime's past is revealed or something but I'll stick around in writing the sports festival ark for a while.

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