Chapter 13

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3rd person's POV

"Who am I fighting first?"

The white haired boy glanced at the students before his eyes landed upon Midoriya who tensed up from the sudden eye contact.

"You already know who," Aizawa answered lazily.

Hajime smirked under the mask as he walked closer to Midoriya, the other students stepping back as he walked forward. His eyes looking down at the shorter green haired boy as he was standing in front of him. Hajime gave Midoriya a quick pat on the head.

"Sorry, even if you're younger than me I still won't go easy on you," Hajime said as he glanced at the other students. "Same goes for everyone else."

Izuku, the pure cinnamon roll, is going up against Hajime, the sly poker-faced liar. It's most likely going to end badly, someone's probably gonna go home with a fractured bone.

"So, Izuku-kun," Hajime said as he leaned down, now face-to-face with the younger boy. "Show me your Quirk, ok?"

Midoriya could feel a shiver running down his spine as he stared into Hajime's cold and dull violet eyes. He was scared of a lot of things, that's for sure, but right now he feels more terrified and threatened. If he were to have a choice, he wouldn't want to go against Hajime. The older boy is more experienced in combat than him. He wasn't so sure if this was a fair fight.

"Since this isn't a fair fight, I'll put in a rule," Aizawa spoke up as the students and Hajime looked at the teacher, Midoriya looking rather grateful and relieved. "The students can attack how much they want with their Quirk but the ice queen over here can only attack five times with his Quirk on each student."

"Did you seriously just called me "ice queen"?" 


Hajime and Midoriya were literally having a staring contest as they were standing across from each other. Hajime didn't seem overconfident nor did he feel that. He felt indifferent. I mean, Midoriya was just someone he's going to fight, no big deal. On the other hand, Midoriya was really scared and nervous, it was obvious from his trembling body.

Hajime pulled up the hood to cover his head as Midoriya was rather confused on why he did so. Does it have to do something with his Quirk? Questions had started to pile up in Midoriya's head which will most likely result in him lose quickly.

The white haired boy moved his feet forward a bit as ice formed at a rapid speed towards Midoriya. Luckily, Midoriya quickly moved out of the way in time as the sharp edge of the ice made a cut on Midoriya's cheek. 

"Don't get distracted, your enemy will use that to their advantage and will defeat you more easily," Hajime advised Midoriya. 

Hajime moved his feet to the side and ice started to make its way towards Midoriya once more at a fast pace. Midoiya, again, managed to dodge it. This kept going on for 3 times until Midoriya had lost his footing and got hit by the ice, of course it wasn't the sharp tip of the ice. 

"You're good at dodging but you can't do that forever," Hajime said as he pulled back his foot and the ice started to melt. "You might face a fast enemy that you can't catch up on with your eyes. You have to make a move in order for you to advance. If you keep dodging then the civilians are probably dead even before you got to them."

Hajime was giving advice to the students from his own experience. He might as well since they were still students and he was asked to teach them about some things. Midoriya was definitely taking notes in his mind as he started to feel focused. A wall made out of ice appeared behind Midoriya who jumped back to dodge an attack from Hajime, only to have his back up against the cold wall.

"I told you to use your Quirk. If you can't even control your own Quirk then you're as good as a Quirkless person."

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