Chapter 5

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So I pretty much messed the previous chapter so I edited it and if you haven't read the edited version please do so. I'm also sorry for not updating, I have no time since y'know school.

I'm also starting to change POVs because I haven't written anything in first person so yeah.

P.S. I love this ost so much


Hajime's POV 

The bus slowed down to a stop. We got off and someone in a spacesuit greeted us. I wasn't paying attention. I blocked out everything. I honestly don't want to be here anymore. Maybe I should tell Kurogiri to find someone else to replace me. If I keep going, I might end up hurting someone again. I really shouldn't say anything on the bus... I really hate myself...

I really messed up. I should kill myself. That would be better. Everyone would be so happy for my death, they'd probably smile after hearing the news of my death. How pathetic... I'm so pathetic...

Before I even knew it, somebody was shaking me, bringing me back to reality. I looked to my right and saw Midoriya looking at me with wide eyes that were filled with fear and concern. Was he concerned for me or scared of me...? If he were to be scared of me he wouldn't even be near me. 

I  watched as his mouth was moving but no sound came out. I turned my head forward and saw Aizawa fighting villains.

Huh...? When did they get here...? So soon...? I would've wanted to stay a little longer...the kids are pretty decent...even that Bakugou...

"...ri-kun! ...wari-kun! ...Owari-kun!"

I turned to the voice quickly, I think I might've had a whiplash. I saw Midoriya looking at me with concern. I'm sure I'm wrong, who would want to be worried about a villain?

"Owari-kun, are you okay?" Midoriya asked, concern lacing his voice. "Y-you didn't s-say anything..."

"Midoriya..." I said, Midoriya tensing up immediately. " anything...?"

"W-what do you mean...?" Midoriya asked, he looks even more worried. I took a closer look and saw he was trembling. Was he that scared? "Y-you didn't d-do anything..."



"Run," I repeated. "Run with the others."

"W-what about y-y-you? I c-can't just leave you!" Midoriya exclaimed, stuttering here and there. He really is a mess when he's in a dangerous situation. 

"I'll catch up."

Suddenly, I felt a presence and turned to the side, seeing Kurogiri in front of the other students. 

"We are the League of Villains, nice to meet you," I heard Kurogiri said. 

I looked over at Bakugou and he looked like he was getting ready to pounce on Kurogiri. That fucking idiot is so fucking reckless. When Bakugou's and Kirishima's attack failed, Kurogiri spread out and tried to get all of us into different locations. I could see Iida grabbing some students but most of them were already at another place, including me.

I opened my eyes and suddenly I was beside Nomu. I looked at Shigaraki who was also looking at me.

"Your reports are so half-assed, Kage," Shigaraki said, me mentally pouring bleach into my eyes since he looked disturbing.

"You didn't specify what kind of report you want, Shigaraki," I retorted, clearly annoying him. 

I looked over at Aizawa who was still fighting the non important villains. So, I guess after this they're gonna find out I'm a villain. I don't care...I considered non of them as my friend. I wonder how their reaction is going to be. Most likely they're gonna be afraid of me. I'm the villain Kage who kills heroes.

"Where's All Might...?" Shigaraki said, scratching his neck as he continued to mumble.

I ignored the annoying child and looked at the shipwreck area. I saw a familiar green haired girl jumping on the boat with a small boy with purple hair. Mineta and Tsuyu were their name...I think. 

Why would they put Tsuyu at the shipwreck? She's basically a frog, it would make sense if she was put in the fire zone.


They don't know what everyone's Quirk is. I never put their Quirk in the reports because I didn't see a reason why I should. To just blindly attack without thinking of the possibilities that All Might wouldn't be here is so child-like, well it's Shigaraki after all so I'm not surprised.

I saw Midoriya jumping out the boat. 


Suddenly, there was a whirlpool that was most likely caused by Midoriya. Seeing how his Quirk works at the moment, his fingers are probably broken. Even though I don't really know Midoriya, he's most likely going to see how Aizawa is doing so I better hide my face or hide.

I pulled up my scarf to form a hood over my head. I didn't pull up the hood last time I wore my costume since it wasn't outside but since we're technically outside I have to. He's probably going to recognize me but oh well, what's the point in hiding if you're going to be found out.

Suddenly I saw Shigaraki running towards Aizawa.

Why...why do I want to save him...?

Before I could even process my own thoughts, I saw Shigaraki gripping onto Aizawa's elbow as the hero's sleeve started to crumble. Moments later, his skin started to break. Aizawa managed to get away from Shigaraki's grip but he's elbow is crumbling.

"That Quirk isn't suited for fighting long fights against a large group, is it?" Shigaraki said, slowly getting up. "Isn't this too different from your usual job? What you're good at is a short fight after a surprise attack, right? Even so, you jumped right in to fight us from the front. Was that to put your students at ease?"

Aizawa's hair fell down and a villain attack him. He knocked them down in no time, breathing heavily afterwards. The hero looked at Shigaraki, I'm not even surprised he didn't notice me yet.

"You're so're so cool...!" Shigaraki said before his voice turned serious. "By the way, hero...I'm not the last boss."

I noticed Nomu was suddenly standing behind Aizawa. I looked at my side and saw the place where Nomu was standing just a minute ago empty. I heard loud noises and I could imagine what it was from the horrified looks on Midoriya, Tsuyu and Mineta.

I glanced to Aizawa and just stared. He was all bloody and Nomu kept on smashing Aizawa's head against the floor, I'm surprised he's still conscious. Nomu finally stopped and Aizawa laid there, face down.

"I'll tell you, Eraser Head," Shigaraki said. "He's the anti-Symbol of Peace, the bioengineered 'Nomu'."

Nomu opened his mouth, letting out a creepy sound. Was it a laugh? Was it a breath? Could it even be a yawn, nobody knows.

I just stared at Aizawa who was probably on the verge of unconsciousness. How isn't he dead though? I mean, Nomu is freakishly strong, probably as strong as All Might.

Kurogiri appeared next to Shigaraki but I didn't care. I continued to stare at Aizawa. I then glanced over at the three students in the water who were all frozen in fear. They're still kids and yet they're white souls are tainted with red. Lucky. I wish I was at their age when I saw red.

"Oh, yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace"


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