Chapter 19

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"Look, do we really have to do this again?" Hajime questioned like he always does while lying down on the couch.

"It's necessary, Owari-san." A woman with black hair responded as she used her telekinesis to bring a pen and a notepad to her. "You've been getting better these days but precautions."

Hajime let out a tired sigh as he closed his eyes, breathing slowly. He could hear the birds chirping outside the window, the cars passing by the building, the rustling of the leaves.

"I want you to imagine the place you can remember in your earliest memory." The woman spoke in a clear voice.

Hajime visibly flinched before he relaxed back into the couch.

"What can you see?"

"My dad, sitting across from me." Hajime spoke in a whisper as if he didn't want someone else to hear.

"What is he doing?"

"He's talking about how mom is nice..." Hajime's lips formed a small smile, feeling content.

"Where's your mom?"

"She's... in the kitchen, with my brother, Sora. They were making dinner." Hajime's breathing became slightly faster than before.

"What's happening now?"

"Sora accidentally broke a plate. Dad's getting angry." Hajime's breathing became rapid as he gripped onto the couch.

"What's your dad doing?"

"He's grabbing Sora by the hair and he's yelling at him." Hajime turned his head to the side as if he's following someone.

"Where's he taking Sora?"

"To the closet. He locks Sora there if he ever messes up something." Hajime quickly turns his head the other direction as his face distorts into fear.

"Hajime, where are you now?"

"I-I'm in front of the house... it's burning..." Hajime gripped onto the couch even tighter, it's a miracle they weren't torn yet.

"Are your parents there with you?"

"No... they're in the house... the doors are locked... I can hear them screaming..." Hajime started sweating as his breathing became uneven.

"Who caused the fire?"

"I... I... I did..." Hajime turned his head to the side quickly.

"Where's Sora?"

"He's... running... in the woods." Hajime let go of the couch as he clenched his fists.

"Why is he running?"

"The cops are chasing after him.." Hajime's breathing became slow.

"Where are you now?"

"In my Class 1-A at U.A." Hajime seemed to calm down as his fists slowly uncurled themselves.

"Who are you with?"

"My classmates..." Hajime's face relaxed. "They look happy."

"Who's sitting the nearest to you?"

"Todoroki..." Hajime's expression softened as he calmed down.

"What is he doing?"

"He's making a paper crane..." Hajime's lips curved into a smile.

"Hajime, open your eyes."

Hajime slowly opened his eyes before glancing at the woman who finished writing in the notepad she was holding.

Hajime sat up as the woman took off her glasses and placed them on the table nearby.

"So, how do you feel now?" The woman questioned with a calm expression.

"I feel like someone close to me stabbed me in the back and then heal it up." Hajime stretched his arms as he laid back in the couch. "Are we done?"

"Not yet." The woman laughed slightly as Hajime groaned in response. "That Todoroki, he's someone very special to you, right?"

"Yeah..." Hajime didn't like where this was going.

"If he betrayed you, in any way, would you still love him as you love him to this moment?"

"I..." Hajime closed his mouth as he looked down. He didn't have to think about it, right? He would still love Todoroki even if he did betray him, right? "Yes... I would."

"Alright, we're done for today." The woman spoke after writing something in her notepad. She smiled at him. "Have a nice day, Owari-san."

Hajime merely nodded as he grabbed his bag and left the room.

--Time skip--

Hajime was sitting on his couch in his apartment. He stared at the ceiling as he thought about what happened at his therapy session.

'Why would she ask something like that...?'

Before he could think anymore, the doorbell rung as he quickly got on his feet and made his way to the door.

He opened it and saw Todoroki with a boy next to him, they were wearing the same uniform.

"A-are you Hajime-san?" The boy questioned with his cheeks red.

"Yes, why?" Hajime raised a brow as he looked at the smaller boy with suspicion.



Todoroki flung himself onto Hajime who caught him in time, staggering a bit as he held Todoroki.

"I missed you shooo muuuchh~!" Todoroki looked up at Hajime with half-lidded eyes, his cheeks red.

"I-I accidentally hit him with my Quirk. It makes people act clingy to their loved one. A-and he kept talking about you, s-so I asked Midoriya-san for your address." The shy and nervous boy explained, fiddling with his fingers. "It lasts for an hour."

"Ah, alright, I'll handle this so you can go."

The boy handed Todoroki's bag to Hajime before bowing and leaving the two. Hajime closed the door as Todoroki was still clinging onto him.

Hajime led Todoroki to the couch and was going to get a glass of water but Todoroki grabbed Hajime and pulled him down onto the couch.

"God, Todoroki, when did you become to strong?" Hajime tried getting out of Todoroki's grip but couldn't.

"Hmm~ I don't know~" Todoroki smiled a she lovingly caressed Hajime's hair. "Your hair is so fluffy~ just like a cat~!"

"You're drunk." Hajime said as he managed to get out of Todoroki's grip. "Get yourself together."

Todoroki pouted before wrapping his arms around Hajime's waist, burying his face into Hajime's stomach. The older male sighed before gently caressing Todoroki's white and red hair.

"Shouto." Hajime called as Todoroki hummed in response. "If I betrayed you, would you still love me?"

Todoroki looked up at Hajime and honestly looked rather adorable in his eyes.

"Of course. I love Hajime shoo much~!" Todoroki smiled.

"I love Shouto, too." Hajime smiled as Todoroki leaned up and kissed him on the lips.

The doubt he had earlier was washed away by the loving kiss Todoroki gave him.


Next chapter is the last one, sadly :')

I've decided that you guys can comment on what you want to see in the last chapter, anything really, I'll somehow make it relevant to this one... somehow, by using my magical author powers >:3

And when I say anything, I mean anything ;>

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